
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog

Sport and Exercise Science Ph.D. — Sport Pedagogy Emphasis

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Degree Requirements — 65-68 Credits

See “Sport and Exercise Science Ph.D.”.

Degree Requirements

Prerequisites — 3 hours

SES 602Introduction to Research in Sport and Exercise Science


May be required if not taken during a student’s Master’s program.

Required Emphasis Credits — 22 hours

SES 614Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education


SES 640Curriculum in Physical Education


SES 641Instructional Strategies for Elementary School Physical Education


SES 642Instructional Strategies for Secondary School Physical Education


SES 685Critical Pedagogy


SES 695Seminar in Physical Education


SES 696College Teaching


SES 695: take twice

Elective Credits — 15 hours

NOTE: Electives are to be based upon program and career goals and must be related to the study of pedagogy. Must have approval of advisor and program committee.


Students may be required to have graduate coursework as a part of their program of study in the following kinesiology areas as determined by the program advisor and candidate:

SES 619Advanced Biomechanics


SES 620Neuromuscular Structure and Function


SES 624Advanced Developmental Kinesiology


SES 626Metabolism


Research Core — 12 hours

SRM 602Statistical Methods I


SRM 603Statistical Methods II


SES 703Research Seminar in Sport and Exercise Science


SRM 610Statistical Methods III



SRM 680Introduction to Qualitative Research


Research Proposal/Dissertation — 16 hours

SES 797Doctoral Proposal Research


SES 799Doctoral Dissertation


Research Tools

Doctoral students in this degree must demonstrate competency in two research tools. Five possibilities are listed below:

  1. Research Design. Applied Statistics/Quantitative Methods. Complete 9-12 hours (excluding SRM 600 and SRM 700).
  2. Research Design. Applied Statistics/Qualitative Methods. Complete 9-12 hours (excluding SRM 600 and SRM 700).
  3. Discipline-Specific Laboratory Techniques. Exhibit competency in laboratory-based research work, which is specific to a student’s concentration area. Coursework supporting this requirement is acceptable, but not required.
  4. Computer Applications. Complete a minimum of 9 hours in graduate courses related to computer use with grades of “B” or better OR students can develop and demonstrate computer proficiency to satisfy a specific need in sport and exercise science. The students’ doctoral committee judges this program or proficiency acceptable or unacceptable.
  5. A collateral field of study may be used as a substitute for a research tool. See Graduate School policies for details.

NOTE: In order to advance to candidacy, students must demonstrate proficiency in theoretical and research foundations, teaching and communication, scholarship and professional service. Criteria for proficiency are identified in the School of Sport and Exercise Science Doctoral Evaluation Matrix.