Undergraduate 2018-2019

Course Substitutions and Course Waivers

Course Substitution

Any program course requirement, as approved through the curriculum process and listed in the catalog that is replaced/substituted by another course. All course substitutions must ensure the maintenance of academic program integrity and should be in the same area as the required course or in a closely related field. Course substitution decisions are made only by the related academic unit. Additionally, course substitutions have direct academic impact on other UNC courses. Academic impact must be considered when a request for course substitution is made.


Course Waiver

Any program course requirement, as approved through the curriculum process and listed in the catalog, that is deemed unnecessary to be completed by an individual student due to the student’s non-course experiences and/or demonstrated existing knowledge. All course waivers must ensure the maintenance of academic program integrity. Course waiver decisions are made only by the related academic unit. Academic impact must be considered when a request for course waiver is made.