Africana Studies Program
Location: Candelaria 0140
Faculty: Travis D. Boyce, Ph.D.; George H. Junne, Jr., Ph.D.
Course(s) Offered (Prefix):
Program(s) Offered:
The Africana Studies program's mission is to challenge and instruct undergraduate students to critically examine the historical, cultural, economic, political, intellectual and other multifaceted dimensions of African peoples around the world. Faculty value its commitment to diversity and creating opportunity for everyone. Furthermore, the program utilizes the teacher/scholar model to provide students with the opportunity to conduct original research.
As an academic discipline, the Africana Studies curriculum is divided into two foci: social and behavioral studies and cultural studies. Coursework in the social and behavioral studies focus includes such topics as history of African-descended people, nationalism, gender, cultural heritage, effects of racism and the social scientific study of Black/African-related communities. The cultural studies focus emphasizes literature by authors of African descent, music, religion, gender, identity and the family.