Undergraduate 2020-2021

MED 341 Principles of Teaching Secondary Mathematics

Focuses on national and state standards, principles of curriculum, assessment and instruction, and tools of assessment and instruction, including technology.


STEP 161 with a minimum grade of D-

MED 373 Clinical Induction in Secondary Mathematics Classrooms

The course provides teacher candidates with opportunities to observe, participate in, analyze, and reflect on teaching and learning in secondary mathematics classrooms and secondary school settings.


(EDFE 120 with a minimum grade of S or Applic for Full Adm to PTEP with a minimum score of 9)


MED 341

MED 381 Fundamental Mathematics Education Lab

Students will experience fundamental mathematics content in the role of teacher assistant and peer leader. Students will discuss current issues and practical concerns about mathematics education.


MATH 182 with a minimum grade of D-

MED 385 Fundamentals of Mathematics Education

Focus is on current issues and practices about teaching and learning of fundamental topics of elementary and middle school mathematics, and understanding the basis of coaching for elementary math specialists.


(MATH 182 or MATH 186 with a minimum grade of D-)