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Undergraduate 2020-2021
Undergraduate 2020-2021
Course Descriptions
MUS - Music
> MUS 223
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Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business (MCB)
College of Natural and Health Sciences (NHS)
College of Performing and Visual Arts (PVA)
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Course Descriptions
AFS - Africana Studies
ANT - Anthropology
APCE - Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
ART - Visual Arts
AS - Aerospace Studies
ASIA - Asian Studies
ASL - American Sign Language
ASLS - Audiology and Speech-Language Sciences
AST - Astronomy
BA - Business Administration
BAAC - Accounting
BACS - Computer Information Systems
BAFN - Business Finance
BAMG - Management
BAMK - Marketing
BIO - Biology
BREW - Brewing Laboratory Science Program
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CIE - Center for International Education
COMM - Communication
CRJ - Criminology and Criminal Justice
CS - Computer Science
DNCE - Dance
ECLD - Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education
ECON - Economics
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDEL - Elementary Education
EDF - Foundations of Education
EDFE - Educational Field Experiences
EDI - Educational Interpreting
EDNL - Education - New Literacies
EDRD - Reading
EDSE - Special Education
EED - English Education
ENG - English
ENST - Environmental Studies
ESCI - Earth Science
ET - Educational Technology
EUR - European Languages and Cultures
FILM - Film
FL - Foreign Language
FND - Food Nutrition Dietetics
FR - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GER - German
GNDR - Gender Studies
GOAL - Modified Classes
HESA - Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership
HISP - Hispanic Studies
HIST - History
HON - Honors Program
HUM - Humanities
HUSR - Human Services
INTR - ASL-English Interpretation Program
JAPN - Japanese
JMS - Journalism and Media Studies
LEAD - Leadership
LIB - Libraries University
MAS - Mexican American Studies
MATH - Mathematics
MCS - Multicultural Studies
MED - Mathematics Education
MET - Meteorology
MIND - Life of the Mind Program
MLSC - Military Science
MT - Musical Theatre
MUS - Music
MUS 204
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MUS 294
MUS 296
NURS - Nursing
OCN - Oceanography
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PSCI - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
PVA - Performing Visual Arts
RTH - Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality
SCED - Science Education
SCI - Science
SES - Sport Exercise Science
SOC - Sociology
SOSC - Social Science
SPAN - Spanish
STAT - Statistics
STEM - Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Education
STEP - Secondary Teacher Education Program
TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language
THEA - Theatre Arts
UNIV - University College Seminars
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MUS 223
Jazz Improvisation I
This course is an introduction to the art of jazz improvisation. Topics will be covered through live demonstration, solo analysis, transcription, and performance.
MUS 218
with a minimum grade of D-