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Undergraduate 2020-2021
Undergraduate 2020-2021
Course Descriptions
MUS - Music
> MUS 415
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AFS - Africana Studies
ANT - Anthropology
APCE - Applied Psychology and Counselor Education
ART - Visual Arts
AS - Aerospace Studies
ASIA - Asian Studies
ASL - American Sign Language
ASLS - Audiology and Speech-Language Sciences
AST - Astronomy
BA - Business Administration
BAAC - Accounting
BACS - Computer Information Systems
BAFN - Business Finance
BAMG - Management
BAMK - Marketing
BIO - Biology
BREW - Brewing Laboratory Science Program
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CIE - Center for International Education
COMM - Communication
CRJ - Criminology and Criminal Justice
CS - Computer Science
DNCE - Dance
ECLD - Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education
ECON - Economics
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDEL - Elementary Education
EDF - Foundations of Education
EDFE - Educational Field Experiences
EDI - Educational Interpreting
EDNL - Education - New Literacies
EDRD - Reading
EDSE - Special Education
EED - English Education
ENG - English
ENST - Environmental Studies
ESCI - Earth Science
ET - Educational Technology
EUR - European Languages and Cultures
FILM - Film
FL - Foreign Language
FND - Food Nutrition Dietetics
FR - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GER - German
GNDR - Gender Studies
GOAL - Modified Classes
HESA - Higher Education and Student Affairs Leadership
HISP - Hispanic Studies
HIST - History
HON - Honors Program
HUM - Humanities
HUSR - Human Services
INTR - ASL-English Interpretation Program
JAPN - Japanese
JMS - Journalism and Media Studies
LEAD - Leadership
LIB - Libraries University
MAS - Mexican American Studies
MATH - Mathematics
MCS - Multicultural Studies
MED - Mathematics Education
MET - Meteorology
MIND - Life of the Mind Program
MLSC - Military Science
MT - Musical Theatre
MUS - Music
MUS 401
MUS 402
MUS 403
MUS 404
MUS 405
MUS 410
MUS 414
MUS 415
MUS 416
MUS 420
MUS 421
MUS 422
MUS 423
MUS 424
MUS 425
MUS 426
MUS 429
MUS 430
MUS 431
MUS 436
MUS 441
MUS 443
MUS 444
MUS 445
MUS 446
MUS 447
MUS 448
MUS 450
MUS 453
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MUS 458
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MUS 463
MUS 464
MUS 465
MUS 466
MUS 467
MUS 468
MUS 470
MUS 471
MUS 472
MUS 473
MUS 474
MUS 475
MUS 477
MUS 480
MUS 481
MUS 482
MUS 483
MUS 484
MUS 485
MUS 486
MUS 488
MUS 490
MUS 491
MUS 492
MUS 493
MUS 494
MUS 495
NURS - Nursing
OCN - Oceanography
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
PSCI - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
PVA - Performing Visual Arts
RTH - Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality
SCED - Science Education
SCI - Science
SES - Sport Exercise Science
SOC - Sociology
SOSC - Social Science
SPAN - Spanish
STAT - Statistics
STEM - Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Education
STEP - Secondary Teacher Education Program
TESL - Teaching English as a Second Language
THEA - Theatre Arts
UNIV - University College Seminars
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MUS 415
Keyboard Literature I
Sight reading at Level III or above required. The study of keyboard music from its earliest beginnings through the works of Frederic Chopin and Robert Schumann. Offered every other year.