Undergraduate 2020-2021

Transfer Credit

A maximum of 90 transferred semester credits may be used toward completion of a UNC degree; a minimum  of 120 hours is required for graduation. Courses with a letter grade of “C-“ or higher are eligible for transfer. Remedial courses and vocational/technical courses are not eligible for transfer. Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and Associate of General Studies (AGS) degrees are not transferable to UNC. Individual courses taken as part of an AAS or AGS degree will be evaluated for possible credit on a course-by-course basis after the student is admitted.

For more information on the waiver of the liberal arts core based off of a previous degree please refer to http://unco.smartcatalogiq.com/en/current/Undergraduate-Catalog/The-Liberal-Arts-Core

There is no university-wide age limitation on transfer courses. Course credit earned 10 years before the baccalaureate degree is to be granted may be applicable toward major or minor requirements at the discretion of the academic department.

Grade point averages from other institutions are used for admission and scholarship purposes only and do not impact a student’s UNC grade point average.

Students may not count courses taken at a Graduate level toward Undergraduate degree programs; courses numbered 600-799 will not be transferred. Graduate level transfer coursework equivalent to a UNC 500-level may be applied to an undergraduate degree with consent of the academic program.

Transfer credits are subject to the course repeat policy. http://unco.smartcatalogiq.com/en/current/Undergraduate-Catalog/Undergraduate-Information-and-Policies/Student-Policies-and-Procedures/Course-Repeat-Policy.

Coursework completed through International Student Exchange/Study Abroad or National Student Exchange will be recorded as transfer coursework upon receipt of an official transcript from the exchange institution. Such courses are not subject to the matriculation restrictions on transfer coursework listed above and count as in-residence for graduation residency requirements. International Student Exchange/Study Abroad and National Student Exchange students register for ISE 100 or NSE 100, respectively, which are courses under the authorization of the University of Northern Colorado.