Undergraduate 2020-2021

Transfer Policies

UNC only accepts credit from institutions of higher education holding full regional accreditation from one of six agencies. List of approved agencies.

UNC awards a maximum of 90 transfer semester hours from all sources towards the completion of degree requirements.

Remedial courses and vocational/technical courses are not eligible for transfer.

Individuals with an Associate or Arts, Associate of Science, or a Bachelor’s degree (regardless of date of completion) from an accredited institution will have their Liberal Arts Core requirements waived.

Certain UNC majors require specific and/or additional LAC credit. These requirements are not waived by the AA, AS, or Bachelor’s degree.

Only courses with a letter grade of “C-“ or higher are eligible for transfer.

Any GT Pathways credit awarded by a Colorado HE institution based on a portfolio review shall be accepted in transfer and applied to GT Pathways requirements at the University of Northern Colorado, regardless of the sending institution’s portfolio review method. 

At UNC, students should consult with the respective academic unit for specific guidance on the Portfolio review process and GT alignment.

Regardless of the time a course was taken before the UNC Baccalaureate degree is to be granted, it may be applicable toward the UNC degree to satisfy Liberal Arts Core Requirements and count toward the minimum 120 hours that are required for a UNC degree.