Dance Education M.A.
College of Performing and Visual Arts
The program will be delivered through both online learning and on campus classes. The online learning would take place during the fall and spring semesters, while the students would be on campus during the summers for face-to-face intensive classes. The summer classes would include three classes taught over a three week time period.
See "Dance Education M.A."
Degree Requirements — 33-36 Credits
Required Courses 33-36 Credits
DNCE 550 | Dance History - Tribal Cultures to Current Times | 3 |
DNCE 560 | Dance Movement Skills & Pedagogical Approaches | 3 |
DNCE 565 | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Advocacy in Dance | 3 |
DNCE 570 | Doing, Teaching & Appreciating Choreography & Creative Dance I | 3 |
DNCE 575 | Dance Lesson, Curriculum and Assessment Design | 3 |
DNCE 600 | Movement and Dance - Framing a Research Question | 3 |
DNCE 690 | Thesis I | 3 |
DNCE 693 | Popular Dance Forms | 3 |
DNCE 695 | Doing, Teaching and Appreciating Choreography II | 3 |
DNCE 697 | Dance Production Techniques | 3 |
DNCE 699 | Thesis II | 3- 6 |
The Coordinator of the M.A. in Dance Education degree program will assign each student an academic advisor and a graduate committee in accordance with Graduate School policy. The academic advisor will serve as the chair of the graduate committee.
It is recommended that students have a graduate committee review each semester. The student will discuss the graduate review with the academic advisor and the Coordinator of the M.A. in Dance Education Program. The student will assume responsibility for scheduling graduate reviews. Two unsuccessful graduate reviews will be considered grounds for termination of the student’s involvement in the program. In conjunction with DNCE 690 and DNCE 699, the student will prepare and submit a written thesis proposal. Prior to beginning work on the thesis, the thesis proposal must be approved by all members of the student’s graduate committee.
A written research thesis is required of all Master of Arts degree candidates in the School of Theatre Arts and Dance.
Upon completion of the program, the student will be required to demonstrate competence in the designated area of concentration in accordance with approved school standards. The student’s committee must approve the candidate for graduation.