Program Overview
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
See “Special Education Ph.D.”
The Ph.D. in Special Education is a flexible doctoral program with provisions for individual planning to prepare stewards of the discipline of special education for positions of leadership in public and private schools and for colleges, universities, agencies, businesses and government entities. Major emphases are internally flexible and may be established to fit a variety of interests in the field of special education and gifts and talents. Graduates develop leadership knowledge and skills in exceptionalities related to six major themes: theory, pedagogy, research methodology, evidence-based practice, public policy/advocacy, and collaboration. The program is designed to prepare students for creative leadership in a rapidly changing world that is experiencing increasing cultural diversity, curriculum and structural reforms in schools and pedagogical innovations across the educational spectrum.
Degree Requirements — 77-83 Credits
Students will be required to demonstrate literacy and competency in computer applications as part of the program.
Doctoral Core Courses (25 hours)
EDSE 701 | Introduction to Doctoral Study in Exceptionalities | 1 |
EDSE 702 | Law of Exceptionalities | 3 |
EDSE 721 | Theories of Exceptionality | 3 |
EDSE 727 | Seminar in Exceptionalities | 3 |
EDSE 728 | Seminar in Professional Writing | 3 |
EDSE 732 | Research in Exceptionalities | 3 |
EDSE 733 | Preparing Teachers of Students with Exceptionalities | 3 |
EDSE 744 | Grant Writing Seminar | 3 |
EDSE 745 | Advanced Doctoral Seminar | 3 |
Externships (3 hours - minimum)
EDSE 730 | Externship in Exceptionalities | 1- 9 |
Externships are taken in one to three hour blocks and involve an off-campus experience. Variable titles related to inquiry, university teaching, research, and administration are selected based on the nature of the externship.
Elective Credits — 9 hours (minimum)
Students are to select 9 semester hours of courses in a cognate closely related to the student’s program goals. Electives are chosen in consultation with the major advisor and are an integral part of the program plan.
Areas of Special Interest
The student may select an area of interest (one or more), in conference with their advisor, from the following areas: transition of children and youth with exceptionalities; education of infants and preschool children with exceptionalities; one of the categorical areas of special education (autism, blind or visually impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, emotionally disturbed, learning disabilities, mental retardation, etc.); gifts and talents; curriculum development; special education administration; university teaching/research; or other areas as designed by the student and their advisor.
Research Core — 12 hours
Research Proposal/Dissertation — 16 hours
Requires permission of major advisor. Explores dissertation research problems, theoretical frameworks, methodology, and data analysis procedures expected to develop an approved dissertation proposal. Students enroll for 1- to 4-hour blocks for a maximum of 4 hours. The student works closely with the Research Advisor and Doctoral Committee members to develop the proposal.
Requires permission of major advisor. Dissertation research is taken in 1- to 12-hour blocks for a maximum of 12 hours. The student works closely with the Research Advisor and Doctoral Committee members to develop the proposal.
Research Tools — 12-18 hours
Students in special education must demonstrate proficiency in two of the four research tools listed below:
1. Research Design/Applied Statistics (3 hours from the following courses)
The GPA for this course and the 12 hours of Research Core above must be 3.0 or higher.
SRM 606 | Multiple Linear Regression Analysis | 3 |
SRM 607 | Non-Parametric Statistics | 3 |
SRM 608 | Experimental Design | 3 |
SRM 609 | Sampling Methods | 3 |
SRM 610 | Statistical Methods III | 3 |
SRM 611 | Advanced Statistical Data Analysis | 3 |
SRM 625 | Applied Multiple Regression Analysis | 3 |
SRM 627 | Survey Research Methods | 3 |
SRM 629 | Structural Equation Modeling | 3 |
SRM 635 | Categorical Data Analysis | 3 |
SRM 685 | Educational Ethnography | 3 |
SRM 686 | Qualitative Case Study Research | 3 |
SRM 687 | Narrative Inquiry | 3 |
SRM 688 | Writing Qualitative Research | 3 |
SRM 705 | Advanced Issues in Research Methods | 3 |
2. Evaluation (9 hours from the following courses)
ELPS 654 | Instructional Leadership and Supervision | 3 |
ELPS 665 | Policy Analysis and Development | 3 |
SRM 670 | Evaluation: Models and Designs | 3 |
SRM 673 | Evaluation: Advanced Methods | 3 |
3. Instructional Technology (9 hours from the following courses)
ET 502 | Instructional Design | 3 |
ET 602 | Performance Technology for Instructional Environments | 3 |
ET 617 | Development of Online Applications | 3 |
ET 628 | Design of Multimedia Learning Environments | 3 |
4. Collateral Field (9 hours)
Contact the doctoral coordinator for examples of approved courses taken in a collateral field (cognition, instruction, measurement, psychology, human development, rehabilitation; additional research courses may be considered) that will support the dissertation research (600-level and above).
Comprehensive Performance Assessment
The comprehensive examination consists of a written Major Paper plus a matrix of performance options that demonstrates competency in theory, pedagogy, research methodology, evidence-based practice, public policy/advocacy, and collaboration.