Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023

Student Guide to Readmission Appeal

The academic standing policy of the University is presented in the UNC catalog. As stated in the policy, students suspended from UNC may not apply for readmission until the passage of at least one semester, excluding Summer and Interim Winter Session. Application and deadlines for readmission are available through Student Academic Success. Deadlines are set by the policy that applications must be received 60 days or prior to the term in which the student wishes to re-enroll at UNC.

Please note: Academic suspension and readmission policy expectations differ from the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic progress policy. Readmission appeals differ from Financial Aid ineligibility appeals. Contact the Office of Financial Aid at 970-351-4UNC (4862) for information about the Financial Aid suspension process.

Guidance for students and procedures for review of student appeals are presented in the following paragraphs. Attending another institution does not guarantee readmission to UNC. A successful appeal will grant the student one additional semester of probation to raise their cumulative GPA to a level of 2.0 or higher to return to good academic standing. Re-entry into the institution does not automatically guarantee re-entry to an academic program.

Student Responsibilities

Eligible students must file an appeal on a form available from the Student Academic Success website. Accurate bear number, phone number and BearMail address must be provided. Students are encouraged to discuss appeal content with appropriate campus staff. For example, faculty may assist in providing documentation, and/or endorsing a student's plan of action. Student Academic Success advisors are another source of assistance in the preparation and review of an appeal prior to the deadline date. All supporting documentation, including correspondence from third parties, must be included with the appeal and submitted by the deadline. Student Academic Success will forward the appeal to the Academic Review Committee members for review. Late appeals will not be accepted by the committee.

Should a student's appeal be granted, they must comply with the conditions set by the Academic Review Committee. One such condition will require the student to raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.0 or higher in one additional semester. If this condition is not met, the student will be academically suspended from UNC. Such a student may, under the provisions of the scholastic standards policy, immediately appeal the second suspension using the appeals procedure. If the appeal is denied the suspension will be permanent. Another condition requires the student to meet with a college advisor during the probationary semester. In addition, it is strongly recommended that the student meet with the advisor in their major department. There may be additional conditions set by the committee.

Student Academic Success Responsibilities

Student Academic Success will distribute and collect appeal forms. An appeal that is not received by Student Academic Success by the application deadline may not be considered by the committee. College advisors are available to answer questions for students preparing readmission appeals. In addition, Student Academic Success sets dates, times, and locations of committee meetings.

Student Academic Success will add a student's unofficial UNC transcripts to the back of their appeal packet. In addition, Student Academic Success will provide the following information to the Academic Review Committee concerning each student who has submitted an appeal: cumulative GPA; semester GPA with 12 credit hours needed to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00; best semester GPA to date; academic suspension history; and whether a student is eligible for Fresh Start. Student Academic Success will distribute the appeals to the Academic Review Committee for their consideration.

Students will be notified of the committee's determination at the phone number and BearMail address provided on the Readmission Appeal Form.

Academic Review Committee Responsibilities

Readmission appeals are reviewed by the University Academic Review Committee, which is comprised of a representative from each College and the Dean of Students Office. Each committee member shall review appeals for purposes of preparing a recommendation for the committee as a whole. Although each student appeal is unique, in general a readmission appeal will be examined for:

  • Completion of at least twelve semester hours at another accredited institution suggesting a reasonable possibility that the student will attain a 2.00 cumulative GPA if given one additional semester at UNC. The reasonable possibility can be determined by comparison of GPA needed in one semester and recent semester GPAs. The academic rigor of classes taken at the other institution will be a factor in the decision of the committee.
  • Evidence that the student has identified and addressed the reasons leading to poor academic performance. A faculty/program advisor and/or instructor may also be able to add additional context concerning previous poor academic performance.
  • A specific and realistic academic plan. Refer to “Tips for Writing a Readmission Appeal”.
  • Conditions applicable to the Fresh Start Program for Freshmen or Returning Students.
  • Evidence that there is a significant probability of the student returning to at least a 2.00 cumulative GPA if granted one additional semester of probation.
  • Target GPA reached at another institution. This applies to students who have had an appeal denied, and a target GPA recommended by the Academic Review Committee.

Proceedings of the committee relative to academic readmission are privileged and not available for general discussion or distribution. Committee decisions are final. All appeals files shall remain with Student Academic Success following committee action.

Sexual Misconduct/Title IX Statement

UNC is legally obligated to investigate disclosure of sexual misconduct (including, but not limited to sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence). If you disclose an incident of sexual misconduct or violence, whether you are the victim, the alleged, or an individual with knowledge of such misconduct, we have an obligation to report it to UNC's Title IX Coordinator. Examples of disclosure may include communication in-person to an advisor or staff member, via email/phone/text message, or through your written appeal. Once a disclosure is received UNC may be obligated to initiate a formal investigation which may include contacting the reporting party, the alleged, and campus or community law enforcement agencies.

If you wish to speak confidentially about an incident of sexual misconduct, please contact the UNC Counseling Center (phone/website) or the Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP). Information reported to these offices will not be reported and will remain confidential.

University Counseling Center
(970) 351-2496

Assault Survivors Advocacy Program (ASAP)
24-hour hot line at (970) 351-4040

If you would like to learn more about sexual misconduct or report an incident, please visit www.unco.edu/institutional-equity-compliance/. The University of Northern Colorado prohibits and will not tolerate sexual misconduct or gender-based discrimination of any kind.