Program Overview
College of Natural and Health Sciences
Contact: Jodie Novak, Ph.D., Department Chair
Location: Ross Hall 2239
Telephone: 970.351.2820
This program is designed for graduate students interested in specializing in mathematics teaching and learning in grades 6-14. Our innovative approach to mathematical pedagogy assumes that a deep understanding of mathematics is fundamental to teaching mathematics, for engaging in mathematics education research, and for supporting reform in mathematics education. The program has three major strands: mathematics, mathematics education, and preparing grades 6-14 mathematics teachers. This program is suited to secondary mathematics teachers who want to continue their education and move into mathematics leadership jobs in K-12 education or a faculty position in higher education, as well as to those with graduate work in mathematics who want to focus on research in mathematics education.
Graduates of the program will be able to teach mathematics at several levels, perform research, engage in and further ongoing efforts to improve mathematics education for all students, and serve as leaders in mathematics education.
General Doctoral Degree Admission Requirements
Program Requirements:
Applicants should possess a master’s degree in mathematics, mathematics education, or a related field, and 18 graduate credits in mathematics. Students are expected to have had a senior level or beginning graduate level course in abstract algebra and real analysis. Teaching experience at the 6-14 level is preferred, but not required. Applicants not having this preparation should contact the program coordinator about options for taking these courses. An essay of approximately 500 words is required which addresses the applicant’s interest in the Doctor of Philosophy in the Mathematics Education program, the applicant’s educational goals, and the applicant’s teaching experience.
Degree Requirements 64 - 70 credits
Mathematics Content Core 18 - 21 semester hours
A. Required Courses - 9 hours
B. Elective Courses 9 - 12 hours chosen from the following courses
Mathematics Education Core - 18 - 21 semester hours
A. Required Courses - 12 hours
MED 731 | Learning Theories in Mathematics Education | 3 |
MED 732 | Mathematics Curriculum Design | 3 |
MED 733 | Models of Teaching in Mathematics | 3 |
MED 740 | Equity in Mathematics Education | 3 |
B. Elective Courses 6 - 9 hours chosen from the following courses. Advisor must approve courses.
MED 622 | Directed Studies | 1- 3 |
MED 678 | Special Topics | 2- 3 |
MED 750 | History and Philosophy of Mathematics Education | 3 |
MED 751 | Teaching Mathematical Sciences Mentorship | 3 |
MED 753 | Theory to Practice in Mathematical Sciences Mentorship | 3 |
ECLD 601 | Language, Linguistics, and Education | 3 |
EDF 685 | Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDF 700 | Implementation and Evaluation of Curriculum | 3 |
EDF 775 | History of Education Reform and Change | 3 |
EDF 777 | Social Justice in Education Reform | 3 |
PSY 575 | Educational Assessment | 3 |
PSY 640 | Cultural Issues in Education Psychology | 3 |
PSY 644 | Motivation in Education | 3 |
Required Research Content Course - 12 semester hours
MED 752 | Research in Mathematics Education Mentorship | 3 |
SRM 602 | Statistical Methods I | 3 |
SRM 680 | Introduction to Qualitative Research | 3 |
SRM 700 | Advanced Research Methods | 3 |
Research Proposal/Dissertation - 16 semester hours
MATH 797: Must take 4 credits but they can be split between different semesters.
MATH 799: Must take 12 credits but they can be split between different semesters.
Research Tools
This program includes the following required research tools: (A) Applied Statistics, which is fulfilled by successful completion of SRM 502 (3 hours); (B) Research Methods, which is fulfilled by successful completion of SRM 680 and 700 (6 total). These requirements will be satisfied by successfully completing the courses already required above.
Program Notes
Students in this program must pass written comprehensive exams in mathematics and mathematics education followed by an oral comprehensive exam over their entire program. A document describing examination procedures may be obtained from the program office or the program website.
A student in this program is required to write a scholarly dissertation. Dissertation topics may range from mathematics with pedagogical applications to topics in education mathematics such as cognitive process, educational reform, and instructional issues.