**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

MATH 709 Abstract Algebra I

Explores role of structures in abstract algebra through an historical lens. Role of symmetry in the development of groups. Role of solving equations in the development of rings and fields



Generally offered Fall. Check with department for next offering.

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 723 Abstract Algebra II

Polynomial Noetherian rings and ideals. Fields and Galois theory. Structure of fields. History and applications.


MATH 709 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 728 Topics in Discrete Mathematics

Survey of enumerative combinatorics motivated by discrete structures of historical and practical importance, including relations, functions, graphs, and groups. Explore connections between counting and the mathematical structure of finite sets.



Generally offered Spring - Check with department/school for next offering

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 732 Complex Variables

Analytic and meromorphic functions in the complex plane. Integration, conformal mapping and advanced topics.

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 733 Geometric Analysis

Analysis of functions of several variables, unifying and extending ideas from calculus and linear algebra. Includes the implicit function theorem and Stokes' Theorem.


MATH 525 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 735 Real Analysis

Rigorous approach to real numbers and functions, with a historical perspective. Foundations of calculus and analytic geometry, including integration and measure. Elements of complex analysis and its applications.



Generally offered Fall - Check with department/school for next offering

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 738 Mathematical Modeling

Introduction to the process of mathematical modeling and, in particular, topics in modeling that have relevance to secondary school mathematics. This  project-based course emphasizes development and communication of models.



Generally offered Spring - Check with department/school for next offering

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 743 Modern Geometry

Neutral, Euclidean, spherical, hyperbolic, and other geometries. Intuitive and axiomatic viewpoints.  Connections to analysis, abstract algebra, and history of mathematics.  Prepares students to research geometry education and teach undergraduate geometry.



Generally offered Fall - Check with department/school for next offering

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 778 Mathematical Logic

The notion of proof, first order logic, set theory, ordinals, cardinals and an overview of the most important recent results in the field.

Level Restriction

Include GR

MATH 795 Special Topics

Surveys topics from fields of mathematics not included in existing courses, reflecting specific interests of students and instructors.



Generally offered Fall and Spring - Check with department/school for next offering

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles with no limits on the number of times it can be repeated

MATH 797 Doctoral Proposal Research

Four hours of credit for doctoral dissertation proposal research must be earned in partial fulfillment of requirements before admission to candidacy.
1- 4

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 4 credit hours

MATH 799 Doctoral Dissertation

Doctoral Dissertation. S/U graded.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations