**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

SRM 502 Applied Statistics

Hypothesis formulation and testing; estimation and confidence limits; one and two-sample tests; and statistical decision theory. Study inferences arising from distribution functions: t, F, chi-square, binomial, normal.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SRM 519 Qualitative Analysis Software

An overview and basic understanding of qualitative analysis software including preparation of data files, managing text and images, creating codes, memos, queries models and reports.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SRM 520 Introduction to Statistical Computing

The course is designed to familiarize students with the use of statistical packages on both the mainframe and microcomputer platforms. Students will learn to organize, input, and analyze data.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SRM 521 Statistical Computing with SPSS

Course will acquaint students with the data management, data transformation and statistical analysis procedures available in SPSS for Windows.


Concurrent Prerequisite SRM 602 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SRM 522 Introduction to R

The R programming language is an important and current research tool for statisticians. Students will receive an introduction to data manipulation, graphical techniques, model building and some programming using R.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SRM 523 Introduction to SQL

This course provides an introduction to the Structured Query Language (SQL). Students will learn to write retrieval queries and manage data in a relational database.

Level Restriction

Include GR

SRM 524 Introduction to MPlus

The goal of this course is to familiarize students with the use of the Mplus software (Muthen and Muthen, 1998-2017). Students will become acquainted with the basics of Mplus. The course will focus on using Mplus for latent variable modeling.

Program Restrictions

Include App Statistic/Resrch Mthds-MS and App Statistic/Resrch Mthds-PHD

Level Restriction

Include GR

SRM 531 Research and Statistical Consulting I

This course is intended to present an introduction to the concepts and issues surrounding statistical consulting. Students will learn and practice the process of consulting and communicating with clients.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SRM 551 Mathematical Statistics with Applications I

Study of probability, random variables, distributions, moments, expected values and standard probability laws, probability bounds and point estimation.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SRM 552 Mathematical Statistics with Applications II

Continuation of SRM 551. Sampling distributions, estimation techniques, maximum likelihood, tests of hypothesis, confidence intervals, regression and chi-square tests.


SRM 551 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

SRM 595 Special Topics in Applied Statistics and Research Methods

Specialized topics or contemporary issues. Topics vary.
1- 4

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course may be repeated 1 time