
**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

Mexican American Studies Graduate Certificate

Program Overview

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

This program is not currently accepting applications for admission.

General Graduate Certificate Admission Requirements

View delivery options, start terms and admission requirements.

The 12-credit hour Graduate Certificate in Mexican American Studies focuses on the development of knowledge and understanding of the Mexican American experience in the United States. This is an interdisciplinary program that combines culture with history, literature and theory. This certificate program prepares graduate students in:

  • Knowledge of Mexican American experience in the United States
  • Cultural competency
  • Research and multimedia educational tools

Certificate Requirements — 12 Credits

Required Courses — 12 credits

Choose 12 hours from the courses below for the Graduate Certificate.

MAS 510Studies in Mexican American History and Culture


MAS 520Chicana/o Civil Rights Movement


MAS 530Studies in Mexican American Literature


MAS 546Chicana/o Theory


MAS 560Narco Corrido and Mexican Folk Culture


MAS 630Globalization and Transnationalism


MAS 650Research Methods in Mexican American Studies


Program Note

No more than 3 graduate credits may be transferred into the Graduate Certificate program.

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