College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Minor Requirements ā 18 Credits
Take all of the following courses:
SPAN 201 | Intermediate Spanish ILAA4LAIS | 3 |
SPAN 202 | Intermediate Spanish IILAA4LAIS | 3 |
Complete one of the following options:
Non-Heritage Speaker Option
Heritage Speaker Option
SPAN 310 | Spanish for Native Speakers | 3 |
SPAN 312 | Written Spanish for Native Speakers | 3 |
The Heritage Speaker courses must have program approval through a placement exam.
Choose two of the following courses:
SPAN 303 | Spanish Conversation | 3 |
SPAN 304 | Introduction to Hispanic Literature | 3 |
SPAN 305 | Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics | 3 |
SPAN 321 | Spanish Civilization and Culture | 3 |
SPAN 331 | Latin American Civilization and Culture | 3 |
SPAN 341 | Mexican and Mexican American Civilization and Culture | 3 |
SPAN 405 | Spanish Phonetics and Dialects | 3 |
SPAN 410 | Spanish for the Professions | 3 |
SPAN 416 | Spanish for Criminal Justice | 3 |
Program Notes
Students must earn a grade of āCā or better (GPA 2.0 or above) for all Spanish courses in the minor.
It is recommended that Spanish minors take HIST 118 and MAS 100 and either MAS 110 or MAS 337. Students who wish to take additional electives may select HISP 102.
All Spanish language courses to be counted for the major and minor must be beyond the first year level.
Courses with the SPAN prefix are taught in Spanish and courses with the HISP prefix are taught in English.
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