Graduate 2019-2020

ESCI 600 Introduction to Earth Science Research

Consent of instructor. Nature and methods of research in the earth sciences. Development of research proposal that will provide the basis for thesis or graduate research project. Required of all first year Earth Sciences graduate students.


ESCI 605 Global Change

Prerequisite: 8 hours graduate level science. An online, problem-based course in which students conduct data analysis on climate variability, modeling, and Earth system impacts and apply results to societal issues.


ESCI 692 Earth Science Internship

Consent of instructor required. Graduates only. Internship in a public agency or private firm to provide professional experience under the supervision of an area specialist. S/U graded. Repeatable, maximum of 15 credits.


ESCI 695 Special Topics in Earth Sciences

Consent of instructor. Faculty and students select an earth sciences topic for intensive study beyond the scope of existing departmental course offerings. Repeatable, under different subtitles.


ESCI 697 Graduate Research

Consent of instructor. Qualified graduate students select and research a problem and present professional quality written report. Repeatable, maximum of six credits.


ESCI 699 Thesis

Intensive study of selected earth sciences topic under the direction of student's graduate studies committee. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.
