Graduate 2019-2020

MUS 600 Introduction to Musical Scholarship

Examines attitudes and aims of the music scholar, studies in bibliography reference materials, sources, and editions. Required of all Master's of Music candidates. Must be taken as early as possible.


MUS 603 Analytical Studies in Music

Mastery of traditional harmony required. Students analyze the structure of music.


MUS 604 Schenkerian Analysis

A study of the application of the ideas of Heinrich Schenker to music analysis, performance and music theory.


MUS 605 English Diction

Designed to increase proficiency in singing in English (British and American). Review the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), its rules and applications, and to strengthen the performance of choral, art song, oratorio and operatic repertoire. This course will focus on an intensified, systematic study of phonetics as it applies to singing and will increase the student’s clarity of expression in those languages.


MUS 606 German Diction

This course is designed for the graduate level, pre-professional singer who is ready to fine-tune their performance of operatic and art song repertoire by acquiring additional tools for correctly using the articulators, the International Phonetic Alphabet and the speech sounds of the different vowels and consonants.


MUS 607 French Diction

This course is designed for the graduate level, pre-professional singer who is ready to fine-tune their performance of operatic and art song repertoire by acquiring additional tools for correctly using the articulators, the International Phonetic Alphabet and the speech sounds of the different vowels and consonants.


MUS 608 Italian Diction

Designed to increase proficiency in singing in Italian using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), its rules and applications, and to strengthen the performance of Italian repertoire. This course will focus on an intensified, systematic study of phonetics as it applies to singing and will increase the student’s clarity of expression in those languages. Repertoire will be assigned by the instructor from the 26 Italian Art Songs text and from Italian operas to be determined.


MUS 610 Research in Music Education

Develop concepts and skills for understanding and evaluating research in music education. Study the design and techniques of empirical research in music education. Complete research study to submit for publication.


MUS 612 Psychology of Music Teaching and Learning

Introduces concepts of psychology in the acquisition and development of musical cognition, affect, and physiological response. Combines study of empirical research and practical approaches for use in the classroom.


MUS 619 Latin Jazz Ensemble

Audition required. The Latin Jazz Ensemble studies and performs music exclusively from the Latin Jazz tradition. The repertoire reflects both Afro-Cuban and Brazilian influences fused with jazz performance practices. Repeatable with no limitations.


MUS 620 Jazz Guitar Ensemble

Auditions required. Comprised of several guitarists and a rhythm section, the jazz Guitar Ensemble studies and performs music from diverse jazz styles arranged for this specific combination of instruments. Repeatable with no limitations.


MUS 621 Small Jazz Ensembles

Open to any student by audition. Groups consist of rhythm section plus 3 or 4 horns. Groups are listed in Music degree section of this Catalog. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 622 Directed Studies in Music

Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.) Repeatable, maximum concurrent enrollment is two times.


MUS 623 Individual Studies in Effective Teaching

Designed according to candidate's primary emphasis and satisfies the Seminar in Teaching (discipline) required of all D.A. candidates in Music. Repeatable, maximum of three credits.


MUS 624 Vocal Jazz Ensembles

Audition required. Graduate student only. Each ensemble limited to 20 voices: 4 sopranos, 4 altos, 4 tenors, 4 baritones, 4 basses, plus rhythm section and horns. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 625 Jazz Ensembles

Audition required. Instrumentation is brass, woodwind and rhythm. Concentrate on jazz idiom music: show and dance music and concert jazz. Receive thorough preparation for teaching at both secondary and college levels. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 626 Orchestral Excerpts

Consent of instructor. Emphasis is on professional level performance of standard orchestral literature at the graduate level. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 628 UNC Early Music Ensemble

Consent of Instructor. UNC Early Music Ensemble performs pre-Classical Era music in a historically informed style, on period instruments whenever possible. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 629 UNC Contemporary Music Ensemble

Consent of Instructor. The UNC Contemporary Music Ensemble performs music of our time, including modern masterpieces as well as commissioned works, in collaboration with composers whenever possible. Repeatable, no limitations. Course Fee Required.


MUS 630 Small Ensembles and Chamber Music

Small chamber groups that rehearse regularly and are coached by a faculty member. Repeatable, under different subtitles, no limitations.


MUS 631 Applied Music Instruction

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction on technique, performance practice, and literature. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 632 Music Composition Instruction

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction in music composition. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 634 UNC Tablet-Laptop Band

UNC Tablet and Laptop Band composes, rehearses, and performs music on electronic devices including tablets and laptops. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 636 Individual Instruction in Jazz

Consent of instructor. Private instruction in performance practice, technical study, and literature relevant to jazz. Repeatable, No limitations.


MUS 637 Individual Instruction in Jazz Composition

Consent of Instructor. Individual instruction in jazz composition. Repeatable, No limitations.


MUS 641 The Standard Jazz Repertoire

Students will become familiar with the large body of compositions that comprise the standard jazz repertoire. Course will include the study of composers, melodies, lyrics, chord progressions and recordings. Students will also learn techniques for song memorization.


MUS 643 Seminar: Medieval Music

A study of musical style in its historical, theoretical and practical aspects during the Middle Ages.


MUS 644 Seminar: Music in the Renaissance

A cultural and historical examination of music and musical style during the 15th and 16th centuries. Flemish composers, the Madrigal, the Venetian School and similar subjects will receive special attention.


MUS 645 Seminar: The Baroque Period

Music from 1600 to 1750. Investigates opera from Florentine beginnings through Venetian, Neapolitan and French styles to 1750; growth of chamber, orchestral and solo instrumental music, and religious vocal music.


MUS 646 Seminar: The Classic Period

Historical and cultural influences bearing upon emergence of 18th century classicism in music. The composers, representative works, forms, styles and media of the Classic era.


MUS 647 Seminar: The Romantic Period

Representative composers, musical styles, works, related literary movements, aesthetic theories and musical criticism of the period will be researched and discussed.


MUS 649 Music History Pedagogy

Surveys philosophical approaches and methods to the teaching of Music Appreciation, Music History, and more specialized courses.


MUS 650 Seminar: Choral Music

A seminar to allow discussion of a variety of subjects related to choral literature. Individual projects will be assigned, calling for creative research.


MUS 651 Seminar in Music History: Debussy to 1945

This course studies the major trends in music from Debussy to 1945, accompanied by investigations into their social and cultural bases. Particular attention is devoted to the technical aspects of this music.


MUS 652 Seminar in Music History: 1945 to the Present

This course is presented in three simultaneous components—history, analysis, and literature—and explores styles and development of a variety of movement that led directly to today’s concert music. Surveys of serialism, minimalism, neo-Romanticism, and the influence of pop on music of today are included in this course emphasizing history, analysis, and literature.


MUS 653 Vocal Literature and Styles

A study of the stylistic, aesthetic and repertorial aspects of vocal music, including opera and choral music, through the various historical periods in music.


MUS 654 UNC Alternative Styles Ensemble

Consent of Instructor. The UNC Alternative Styles Ensemble will explore non-classical styles and performance techniques through regular rehearsals and performances. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 655 Health in Piano Playing and Teaching

Consent of Instructor. This seminar will sensitize students to issues of health pertinent to piano pedagogy. Students will learn to teach in ways that support the long-term physical and psychological health of their piano students. Topics such as anatomy for the pianist, injury avoidance, and motivation will be considered. Course fee required.


MUS 656 UNC European Summer Opera Program

Audition Required. Practical experience in the production and performance of a complete operatic works in professional productions in Europe. Techniques of acting, singing, character analysis and stage direction will be studied. Repeatable, No limitations.


MUS 657 Instrumental Literature and Styles

A study of the stylistic, aesthetic and repertorial aspects of instrumental music, including orchestral and chamber music, through the various historical periods in music.


MUS 658 Brass Pedagogy

Prerequisite: MUS 364 or consent of instructor. In-depth study of brass materials and performance techniques. Examines brass teaching problems encountered by teachers at the K-12 and college levels.


MUS 659 College Piano Teaching

Consent of Instructor. This seminar will prepare students to teach applied piano at the college level. It will be concerned primarily with pedagogical approaches to advanced repertoire typical for the undergraduate piano major. In-class teaching opportunities with real undergraduates will assist in honing teaching skills and gaining confidence teaching at the college level. Course fee required.


MUS 661 Percussion Pedagogy

Prerequisite: MUS 364 or consent of instructor. Explore advanced techniques, methods and materials related to all the percussion instruments.


MUS 662 Woodwind Pedagogy

Prerequisites: MUS 361, MUS 362 or consent of instructor. Majors only. In depth study of teaching material and techniques related to the flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe and bassoon.


MUS 663 Trumpet Literature and Pedagogy

In depth study of literature and pedagogical techniques as related to the trumpet.


MUS 664 Seminar in Piano Pedagogy: Language, Culture and Piano Teaching

Consent of instructor. This seminar will explore the many intersections of language, culture and piano teaching to enhance students’ ability to teach effectively both within their native cultural context and outside it. The class is conceived for both native English speakers and students for whom English is a foreign language. No foreign language skills are required.


MUS 665 Individual Instruction in Collaborative Piano

Prerequisites: MUS 348, MUS 349 and MUS 465 or consent of instructor. In depth study of repertoire and refinement of skills for the collaborative pianist. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 666 Chamber Choir

Audition Required. The UNC Chamber Choir is a highly select auditioned vocal ensemble typically comprised of 16 to 32 performers. The group performs a wide variety of choral chamber works in concerts throughout the year and may tour regularly. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 667 University Symphony Orchestra

Audition required. Comprised of the best string, wind, brass, and percussion players. Reads and performs standard orchestra repertoire. Performs on and off campus. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 668 UNC Campus String Orchestra

This course is open to all Graduate bowed string instrument players on campus (violin, viola, cello, bass). Players are expected to have several years of experience in order to be successful with the required repertoire. Each semester the Orchestra will rehearse and prepare for concerts on campus and/or in the community. String majors are expected to audition for the UNC Symphony Orchestra each year before enrolling in Campus Orchestra (on their primary instrument). Course fee required.


MUS 670 Individual Instruction in Voice

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction on technique, performance practice and literature. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 671 Individual Instruction in Piano

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction on technique, performance practice and literature. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 672 Individual Instruction in Folk and Bluegrass

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction on technique, performance practice, and literature for performance majors. Repeatable, no limitations. Course and lesson fee required.


MUS 673 Individual Instruction in Strings, Harp or Guitar

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction on technique, performance practice and literature. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 674 Individual Instruction in Woodwinds

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction on technique, performance practice and literature. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 675 Individual Instruction in Brass or Percussion

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction on technique, performance practice and literature. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 677 Individual Instruction in Composition

Consent of instructor. Individual instruction in music composition. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 680 Mixed Concert Choir

Audition required. Limited to approximately 60-65 singers. Open to all students. The Choir performs a wide range of literature: classics to contemporary works. Widely recognized for its excellence, the Concert Choir performs concerts on campus and tours annually. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 681 Women's Glee Club

Audition required. Open to all female students. Performs on campus and joins with the Concert Choir in large masterworks with orchestra. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 682 University Singers

No audition required. The University Singers is open to all the university community and performs a wide variety of choral repertoire, from Renaissance motets to contemporary works. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 684 Men's Glee Club

Audition required. Open to all male students. Performs on campus and in the community. Sings a wide variety of literature. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 685 Performance in Opera Theatre

Audition required. Practical experience in the production and performance of a complete operatic work. Techniques of acting, singing, character analysis and stage direction will be studied. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 686 Scene Studies in Opera

Audition required. Studying techniques of acting, singing, character analysis and stage deportment through the staging and performing of selected opera scenes and arias. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 688 Concert Band

Audition required. Comprised of music majors and students from other disciplines. Members perform a wide variety of interesting literature selected from standard and current repertoire. Repeatable, no limitations. Course fee required.


MUS 689 University Brass Choir

Select performing ensemble of 21 brass and percussion students. Concentrate on literature from brass instrumental media. Develop musical sensitivity, phrasing, style and intonation. Major ensemble credit. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 690 Symphonic Band

Audition required. Performs literature drawn from contemporary and traditional repertoire. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 691 Wind Ensemble

Audition required. Comprised of the most outstanding wind and percussion majors in the School of Music. The ensemble performs a repertoire of works requiring from 8 to 35 performers. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 693 Practicum in Music

Open only by invitation to resident graduate students. Supervised professional activity in the major field, approximately two hours per day. Two copies of a well-written paper must be filed with instructor before credit is given. Repeatable, no limitations.


MUS 694 Master's Recital

Student will prepare and present a public recital of suitable repertoire under the guidance of the applied studio professor.


MUS 695 Special Topics in Music

A seminar covering areas in performance, research, education, history and theory that are of concern to the contemporary graduate student. Topics will vary according to student interest and needs. Repeatable, under different subtitles.


MUS 699 Thesis

Consult respective area for specific requirements. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.
