Undergraduate 2019-2020

Department of Geography, GIS, and Sustainability Faculty

Karen S. Barton, Ph.D.

(2006), Associate Professor of Geography - University of California, B.A.; University of Arizona, M.A.; University of Arizona, Ph.D. (G)

James P. Doerner, Ph.D.

(1994), Professor of Geography - Oklahoma State University, B.S.; University of Denver, M.A.; University of Denver, Ph.D. (G)

Katherine M. Johnson, Ph.D.

(2002), Associate Professor of Geography - Muhlenberg College, B.A.; Tufts University, M.A.; University of California-Berkeley, Ph.D.

Phil Klein, Ph.D.

(1997), Professor of Geography - University of California-Santa Cruz, B.A.; University of California, Los Angles, M.A.; University of Colorado-Boulder, Ph.D. (G)

Jieun Lee, Ph.D.

(2017), Assistant Professor of Geography & GIS - Ewha Women's University, B.A.; Ewha Women's University, M.A.; Michigan State University, Ph.D. (G)

Chelsie L. Romulo, Ph.D.

(2017), Assistant Professor of Geography, GIS, and Sustainability – California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, B.A.; Virginia Tech, M.S.; George Mason University, Ph.D. (G)

Jessica Salo, Ph.D.

(2013), Associate Professor of Geography & GIS - Colorado State University, Ph.D. (G)

Timothy Vowles, Ph.D.

(2008), Visiting Assistant Professor of Geography - University of San Diego, B.A.; Ohio State University, M.A.; University of Denver, Ph.D. (G)