
Undergraduate 2019-2020

English B.A. – Liberal Arts Emphasis

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Location: Ross 1284

Telephone: 970.351.2971

Website: www.unco.edu/english

Advising Information:

Students must consult with their assigned major advisor each semester prior to registering.

Assigned advisor is available through the Ursa login; ursa.unco.edu; under Student tab Academic Profile channel and is term specific. If no advisor is listed, contact the major program for advisor information.

The program consists of four parts:

  1. Liberal Arts Core (LAC) Credits
  2. Required Major Credits
  3. Required Minor Credits
  4. University-Wide Credits

Program Description:

The English major is excellent preparation for any profession or occupation that stresses language usage, such as writing and teaching-related fields. Graduates of this program will be prepared to enter a variety of professional and graduate level programs, including law, theology, medicine (with appropriate science and mathematics preparation), library science, communications, media and business.

Program Admission Requirements:

Academic Good Standing

Program Requirements:

  • Only two courses included in the Liberal Arts Core may count for elective credit.

  • In accordance with University Policies, coursework earned more than 10 years prior to the date of matriculation to UNC may not be used to satisfy any major or minor requirements.  Any exception to this policy is at the discretion of the academic program. 

Degree Requirements — 120 Credits

Degree Requirements

1. Required LAC — 40 credits

2. Required Major — 39 credits

Take all of the following courses:

ENG 195Introduction to the Discipline of English


ENG 319Writing and Rhetorical Theory


ENG 345Literary Theory and Criticism


Choose one of the following courses:

ENG 318Traditional and Modern Grammars


ENG 320History of the English Language


ENG 419English Linguistics


British Literature before 1800

Choose one of the following courses:

ENG 349Old English (700-1200)


ENG 350Middle English (1200-1485)


ENG 351The Tudor Period (1485-1603)


ENG 352The Stuart Period (1603-1714)


ENG 353The Eighteenth Century (1714-1789)


British Literature after 1800

Choose one of the following courses:

ENG 354British Romanticism


ENG 355Victorian Prose and Poetry


ENG 356Twentieth Century English Literature


American Literature before 1900

Choose one of the following courses:

ENG 370Colonial American Literature, 1492-1800


ENG 371Antebellum American Literature, 1800-1865


ENG 372American Realism and the Making of America


American Literature after 1900

Choose one of the following courses:

ENG 373American Modernism and the Crisis of Representation


ENG 374American Diaspora and Globalization


Choose one of the following courses:

ENG 402The Short Story


ENG 403Techniques of the Novel


ENG 430Advanced Studies in World Literature, Folklore, or Mythology


ENG 441Colloquium in Literature


ENG 495Advanced Cultural Studies


Remaining credits may be fulfilled with any ENG, FILM or HUM prefixed courses, excluding ENG 122, ENG 123, and ENG 225.

3. Required Minor — 18 credits

4. University-Wide Credits — 23 credits

Complete additional credits to achieve the minimum credits needed for this degree at UNC; for this degree, that will typically be 23 credits.

Accelerated (4 +1) English Liberal Arts B.A. and English M.A.

Motivated and high-achieving students may seek to complete the requirements for the B.A. and M.A. in English in five years. To obtain both degrees, students must complete all the requirements for the B.A. described above (120 credit hours) and all of the requirements for the standard M.A. described in the Graduate Catalog (33 credit hours). However, the accelerated B.A./M.A. program involves 9 credit hours that are shared between the Bachelor's and Master's programs, so the total number of credit hours to complete the accelerated Master’s program is 144. Completing the requirements for both degrees is made possible by taking the 9 double-counted B.A./M.A. credits in the Senior year (paid for at the undergraduate tuition rate) and 6 graduate-level credits (online – graduate-level tuition rate) in the summer following the Senior year and completion of the undergraduate program. Students remain eligible for financial aid as an undergraduate; any Graduate School aid is not available until students are admitted as a Graduate student.

Due to its necessarily streamlined path of progression, admission to the Accelerated B.A. and M.A. in English occurs in the Fall semester only. Students interested in transferring into the accelerated program must:

  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 to take graduate-level courses as a Senior.
  • Meet with the English M.A. Director of Graduate Studies in the fall semester of the Junior year and apply during the spring semester of the Junior year (following the same procedure and meeting the same requirements as other M.A. applicants). Full admission is dependent on completing the B.A. requirements in the senior year while maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA. The program application will be signed and forwarded to the Graduate School with signatures of the program advisor indicating the approval of graduate course transfer.
  • Complete ENG 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies in the fall semester of their Senior year, followed by ENG 538 Literary Criticism and Theory and a second 500-level elective in the spring semester of that year. These are the 9 credits that are double counted within the accelerated program only.
  • Fulfill the requirement of taking at least one graduate-level course from each of the three course categories: British Literature before 1800 (ENG623, ENG624, ENG625, ENG626), British Literature after 1800 (ENG627, ENG628, ENG629), and American Literature (ENG630, ENG631, ENG632).
  • Students must apply for completion of their UG degree the semester before completing UG degree (i.e. in the fall semester of their Senior Year). To apply, students must be registered for all remaining courses in their final UG semester, that is, the spring semester of their Senior Year.

Outline for degree completion of the Accelerated B.A. and M.A. in English Liberal Arts

Meet with faculty advisor or Director of Graduate Studies and apply for the program in the fall semester, Junior Year.

  • Fall Semester, Senior year

ENG 500 Introduction to Graduate Studies (3) [double-counted]

  • Spring Semester, Senior year

ENG 538 Literary Criticism and Theory (3) [double-counted]

One 500 level ENG-coded Elective (3) [double counted]

  • Summer after Senior year

Two online 8-week 500-level courses (6) [please note that only two of these courses will be offered each summer]:

ENG 523 - Advanced Studies in the Teaching of Writing (3)

ENG 525 - Studies in the Moving Image (3)

ENG 547 - Visual Rhetoric and Multimodal Literacies (3)

ENG 561 - Genre Study: Poetry (3)

ENG 562 - Genre Study: Fiction (3)

ENG 563 - Genre Study: Drama (3)

[Note: Because students are required to register for their six 500-level summer credits while they are still UG students, they must complete the Petition to Count Work Toward the Next Higher Degree form with the Graduate School]

  • Fall Semester, fifth year

Three 600-level ENG-coded courses (9)

  • Spring Semester, fifth year

Three 600-level ENG-coded courses (9)

MA comprehensive examination

33 Credits