
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

Business Administration B.S. – Management Emphasis

Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business

Contact: Isaac Wanasika, Ph.D., Chair

Location: Kepner 1090

Telephone: 970.351.1882

Website: http://www.mcb.unco.edu/departments/Management.cfm

Advising Information:

All business majors must consult with their assigned advisor each semester prior to registering.

To find your advisor, log into ursa.unco.edu; go to 'Student' tab and click 'View Student Information' link. If no advisor is listed, contact the MCB Advising Office for advisor information, 970.351.1233.

The program consists of three parts:

  1. Liberal Arts Curriculum (LAC) Credits
  2. Required Major Credits
  3. University-Wide Credits

Program Description:

Management is a dynamic field encompassing a wide variety of career choices. Through coursework in the Management emphasis, students will learn to think strategically about organizations and how they interact with the environment. Students will gain an understanding of people and how to recruit, select, and lead them in an organizational setting. Students will also learn how to manage in a global environment and to be socially responsible and ethical in their business dealings.

The primary objective of the Management Emphasis is to prepare students for entry-level management positions in business, not-for-profit organizations, and government. The emphasis also prepares students for continuing education in MBA or other relevant master’s degree programs.

Program Admission Requirements:

  • Incoming New First Time and Transfer students are admitted to the College of Business major and minors provided they meet the admission requirements set forth by UNC.
  • Current UNC students who have completed at least 15 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or above are guaranteed admission to any business major.
  • Current UNC students who have completed at least 15 credit hours with a cumulative GPA of 2.00-2.49 qualify to apply for admission to a business major. Students may apply at the MCB Advising Center located in Kepner 1095

Degree Requirement Notes:

Students are reminded that to graduate with a Business Administration degree, a student must attain a 2.0 or greater cumulative Business GPA and at least a "C-" grade in each individual Business Administration Core, emphasis and business elective courses.

Business coursework may be transferred toward a Business degree according to the following limits:

  • A maximum of 12 credit hours may be transferred into the Business Core and
  • A maximum of 9 credit hours may be transferred into Required Emphasis and Elective Emphasis and
  • A maximum of 6 credit hours may be transferred into Business Electives.

Program Requirements:

  • All students in the program must complete a Professional Experience prior to graduation.  A for-credit internship, if completed satisfactorily, will fulfill the work experience component of the Professional Experience.  All students must complete the Professional Experience required workshops. For more information please visit the Professional Experience website.
  • In addition to fulfilling the basic requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration students must attain at least a grade of "C-" or better in the Required Emphasis Credits, Elective Emphasis Credits, and Elective Major Credits in order to count towards graduation.
  • BAMG 495 Special Topics or any Executive Professor class may be substituted for a Management elective with the approval of the Chair of the Department of Management.

Coursework completed by a student within the preceding 10 years may apply as credit toward a bachelor's degree. Coursework taken before the 10-year limit may be reviewed by the school director and college dean to determine its appropriateness to the major requirements.

Degree Requirements — 120 Credits

1. Liberal Arts Curriculum — 31 credits

To complete the degree in 120 credits as outlined, the program recommends the below LAC courses that also count toward the required major credits.

Any additional LAC coursework completed outside of the recommended list below may extend the length of the program of study.

Written Communication — 6 credits

The program recommends that you choose one of the following courses for Intermediate Communication:

BA 205 Business Communication OR ENG 123 College Research Paper Writing.

Either course will fulfill both a major requirement and the Liberal Arts Curriculum requirement.

See Written Communication courses

Mathematics — 3 credits

The program recommends that you the following courses:

MATH 124 College Algebra or STAT 150 Introduction to Statistical Analysis. 

Both courses are required for the major. Either one of them will fulfill the 3 credit hour math requirement in the Liberal Arts Curriculum. 

See Mathematics courses

Arts & Humanities, History, Social & Behavioral Sciences, U.S. Multicultural Studies, and International Studies — 15 credits

To complete the LAC in the minimum number of credits, be sure to choose at least one course with an IS designation and one course with an MS designation.

The program recommends the following courses in the Social & Behavioral Sciences category.

ECON 203 Principles of Macroeconomics AND ECON 205 Principles of Microeconomics 

PSY 120 Introduction to Psychology OR PSY 265 Social Psychology OR SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

Both economics courses and one of the other three courses are required for the major. Any one of them can be used to fulfill the Liberal Arts Curriculum requirement of 3 credits in Social and Behavioral Sciences. A second one can be used to fulfill the requirement of an additional course (3 credits) in Arts & Humanities, History or Social and Behavioral Sciences.

See Arts & Humanities, History, and Social & Behavioral Sciences courses

Natural & Physical Sciences — 7 credits

Select any courses to fulfill this requirement from the currently approved LAC course list.

See Natural & Physical Sciences courses

See Liberal Arts Curriculum

2. Required Major — 91-92 credits

(Required Supporting Credits — 31-32 credits)

The following courses are required as part of the Business major, some of which will also count towards the Liberal Arts Curriculum. 

BA 205Business CommunicationsLAW2



ENG 123College Research PaperLAW2


BACS 101Business Computing


BAMG 125Taking Care of Business


COMM 100Basics of Public Speaking


ECON 203Principles of MacroeconomicsLAB1


ECON 205Principles of MicroeconomicsLAB1


MATH 124College AlgebraLAX1


MATH 176Topics in Calculus



MATH 131Calculus ILAX1


PSY 120Principles of PsychologyLAB3



PSY 265Social PsychologyLAB3



SOC 100Principles of SociologyLAB3


STAT 150Introduction to Statistical AnalysisLAX1


(Business Core Credits — 30 credits)

Take all of the following courses:

BAAC 220Principles of Accounting I


BAAC 221Principles of Accounting II


BAFN 231Legal Environment of Business


BAFN 240Introduction to Personal Financial Planning


BACS 300Information Systems


BAMG 350Management and Organizational Behavior


BAMK 360Marketing


BAFN 370Business Finance


BAMG 390Operations Management and Data Analytics


BAMG 456Strategic Management


BAMG 456 is the capstone course for Business majors and is designed to be taken in the student’s last semester. 

(Management Emphasis Credits — 12 credits)

Take all of the following courses:

BAMG 353Human Resources Management


BAMG 452Business Ethics


BAMG 457Organizational Theory & Design


BAMG 458International Management


(Elective Management Emphasis Credits — 12 credits)

Choose four of the following courses:

BAAC 323Cost and Managerial Accounting I


BAFN 470Financial Management


BAMG 355Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship


BAMG 407Small Business Counseling



BAMK 407Small Business Counseling


BAMG 410Innovation and Entrepreneurship


BAMG 411Social Entrepreneurship


BAMG 451Managing New Business Ventures


BAMG 453Advanced Topics in Human Resources Management


BAMG 454Leadership in Organizations


BAMG 459Management of Quality


BAMG 461Talent Management


BAMG 462Training & Organization Development


BAMG 463Compensation, Performance Management and Conflict Management


BAMG 494Nonprofit Management


BAMG 495Special Topics in Management


BAMG 495: Repeatable, under different subtitles.

(Elective Major Credits — 6 credits)

Take six (6) semester credit hours from BA 251 or BACS 200 or BACS 287 or any other 300/400 level business course not already counted in Business Core, Emphasis or Emphasis electives.  

(BAAC 301, BAFN 302 and BAMG 356 may not be used.)

Any 300 or 400-level business electives (BA prefix) except for BAAC 301, BAFN 302 and BAMG 356


BA 251International Business



BACS 200Web Design and Development for Small Business



BACS 287Graphical Interface Programming


3. University-Wide Credits — 0-10 credits*

*Note: Students must apply at least some of the recommended courses to both the liberal arts curriculum requirements and the major requirements to complete this degree program in 120 credit hours. Students who apply all of the recommended courses to the LAC will have up to 10 credits of university wide electives to apply to this degree depending on the number of credits applied to both the LAC and the major. See your advisor for details.