2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalog

EED 301 Beginning Tutoring Strategies for Composition

Sophomores or above. Consent of instructor. After training in tutoring strategies, participants will spend 30 class hours assisting in a composition class or writing laboratory to prepare for clinical and student teaching.


EED 302 Advanced Tutoring Strategies for Composition

Prerequisite: EED 301. Sophomores or above. Consent of instructor. Additional tutor training. 50 class hours spent working closely with a faculty mentor, tutoring in a composition class/writing laboratory.


EED 308 Workshop in Teaching

Prerequisite: 3.0 GPA. Concurrent enrollment: 300- or 400-level ENG course. Discussion of pedagogical methods for presenting literature and writing content. Repeatable under different subtitles, maximum of 3 credits.


EED 341 Methods for Teaching Composition in Secondary Schools

Prerequisites: EDFE 120 or EDFE 125 and 3.0 GPA in ENG courses or instructor permission to enroll. Content covers the writing process, composition theory, language and writing development in grades 7-12 with an emphasis on the teaching of writing.


EED 342 Methods and Materials for Teaching Language and Composition in the Elementary School

Content covers the writing process, writing-to-learn, and language and writing development at the elementary level.