Biological Sciences B.S. – Secondary Teaching Emphasis Initial license in Science (Grades 7-12)
College of Natural and Health Sciences
Contact: Catherine S. Gardiner, Ph.D., School Director
Location: Ross Hall 2480
Telephone: 970.351.2921
Advising Information:
Students must consult with their assigned major advisor each semester prior to registering.
Assigned advisor is available through the Ursa login;; under Student tab Academic Profile channel and is term specific. If no advisor is listed, contact the major program for advisor information.
The program consists of three parts:
- Liberal Arts Core (LAC) Credits
- Required Major Credits
- Professional Teacher Education Program (PTEP) Credits
Program Description:
This program leads to State of Colorado licensure in secondary science. Students receive training in biological sciences content and pedagogy plus a wide range of additional support science content. They should have an interest in teaching and have evidence of working successfully with young people. Undergraduates entering this program should have a strong science and mathematics background in high school or be prepared to do additional remedial work.
Students will meet licensure requirements of the Colorado Department of Education for teaching secondary science (grades 7-12).
Upon completion of this program, students will also be able to continue their education in graduate programs in the biological sciences. Prior to Student Teaching, students must pass the PRAXIS Science Examination.
Program Admission Requirements:
Academic Good Standing
Program Requirements:
- The State of Colorado has mandated that institutions of higher education assess student outcomes resulting from their college education. The School of Biological Sciences requires that all undergraduate students entering under this Catalog meet the following conditions in addition to meeting the graduation requirements of the University:
- In the senior year of study all undergraduates will take the Educational Testing Service's nationally standardized exam in Biology.
- All Biology majors are required to earn a minimum of a 2.0 grade in all BIO prefix courses taken to meet their major requirements. Students receiving a grade of less than 2.0 in BIO courses taken to meet their major requirements must repeat the courses.
- Students in Secondary Teaching Emphasis must maintain a 2.5 GPA in their major. Prior to Student Teaching, students must pass the PRAXIS Science Examination.
Degree Requirements — 123 Credits
Degree Requirements
1. Required Specified LAC — 25 credits
LAC area 1.b. — Intermediate Composition
LAC area 2 — Mathematics
STAT 150 | Introduction to Statistical Analysis | 3 |
LAC area 6 — Physical and Life Sciences
Remaining LAC — 15 credits
See “Liberal Arts Core ”.
NOTE: Students need to select courses from LAC areas 7 and 8 that also count for areas 3, 4, or 5.
2. Required Major — 45 credits
Take all of the following courses:
Physiology, choose one of the following courses:
Earth Science, choose one of the following courses:
Environmental Studies or Science Electives
Take six credits
Consult faculty advisor to match career goals
3. Required PTEP — 38 credits
Phase I (5 credits taken concurrently).
EDFE 110 required semester before; see
STEP 161 | Observation and Analysis of Secondary Teaching I | 2 |
EDF 366 | Conceptions of Schooling: Context and Process | 3 |
Phase II (8 credits taken concurrently)
STEP 262 | Observation and Analysis of Secondary Teaching II | 2 |
EDSE 360 | Adaptation, Modification, and Integration of Curriculum for the Secondary Exceptional Learner | 3 |
PSY 349 | Educational Psychology for Secondary Teachers | 3 |
Phase III (11 credits taken concurrently)
EDFE 120 required semester before.
STEP 363 | Clinical Experience: Secondary | 2 |
EDRD 340 | Developing Language and Literacy in the Content Areas | 3 |
ET 449 | Integration of Technologies in Secondary Education Pedagogy | 3 |
SCED 441 | Methods of Teaching Secondary School Science | 3 |
EDRD 340: maybe taken outside of Phase III
Phase IV (14 credits).
EDFE 130 required semester before.
STEP 464 | Secondary Student Teaching | 1 - 14 |