Degree Requirements
1. Required Specified LAC — 40 credits
LAC area 1.a. — Elementary Composition
LAC area 1.b. — Intermediate Composition
LAC area 2 — Mathematics
MATH 181 | Fundamentals of Mathematics I: Number and Operations | 3 |
MATH 182 | Fundamental Mathematics II: Algebra, Probability and Data Analysis | 3 |
LAC area 3.a. — Arts
Choose one of the following courses:
LAC area 3.b. — Literature and Humanities
Choose one of the following courses:
ENG 131 | Introduction to Literature | 3 |
ENG 211 | Survey of American Literature | 3 |
ENG 214 | British Literature II | 3 |
ENG 262 | Masterpieces of World Literature | 3 |
LAC area 4 — History
Choose one of the following courses:
HIST 100 | Survey of American History from Its Beginnings to 1877 | 3 |
HIST 101 | Survey of American History from 1877 to the Present | 3 |
HIST 121 | Western Civilization from 1689 to the Present | 3 |
LAC area 5.a. — Economic and Political Systems
Choose one of the following courses:
ECON 101 | Understanding the Contemporary Economy | 3 |
PSCI 100 | United States National Government | 3 |
PSCI 105 | Fundamentals of Politics | 3 |
LAC area 5.b. — Geography
Choose one of the following courses:
LAC area 6 — Physical and Life Sciences (Take 7 credits)
Choose one of the following courses:
Choose one of the following courses:
LAC area 7 — International Studies
| One International Studies 3-hour class except BA 251 | |
LAC area 8 — Multicultural Studies
| One Multicultural Studies 3-hour class | |
2. Required ISET Major — 27 credits
Take all of the following courses:
Integrated Arts
PVA 310 | The Arts in Contemporary Society | 3 |
Language Art
MATH 283 | Fundamental Mathematics III: Geometry and Measurement | 3 |
SCI 465 | Principles of Scientific Inquiry: Finding Order in Chaos | 3 |
Social Studies
SOSC 300 | Social Science and Historical Perspectives | 3 |
Choose one of the following courses:
Choose one of the following courses:
Choose one of the following courses:
EDRD 314 | Literature for Children, Adolescents and Young Adults | 3 |
ENG 204 | Literature about Childhood and Adolescence | 3 |
Choose one of the following courses:
EDRD 319 | Language and Literacy Development of Preschool and Elementary School Children | 3 |
ENG 419 | English Linguistics | 3 |
NOTE: Students may not use one course to satisfy multiple requirements in the LAC, ISET Core or Area of Concentration.
3. Area of Concentration — 15 credits
Choose one Area of Concentration from the list below:
Take 15 credits
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Creative Drama
Earth Science
Environmental Studies
ESL (English as a Second Language)
Language Arts
Multicultural Studies
Music Education
Music Performance
Visual Arts Integration
Visual Arts Studio
Biology Concentration
Take 15 credits
BIO 111 | Survey of Organismal Biology | 4 |
BIO 245 | Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology | 4 |
BIO 360 | Ecology | 4 |
| One 300—400 level BIO prefix | 3 |
NOTE: Students must take BIO 110 instead of BIO 265 in the Core Requirements.
Chemistry and Biochemistry Concentration
Take 15 credits
CHEM 422: Lab Assistant
NOTES: Students must take CHEM 111 instead of SCI 265 as a LAC Area 6 requirement They must also take CHEM 422 and act as an Elementary Laboratory Assistant for SCI 265.
CHEM 422: Non-licensure students may substitute another course for this requirement with approval of their advisor.
Civics (Political Science) Concentration
Take 15 credits
PSCI 100 | United States National Government | 3 |
PSCI 105 | Fundamentals of Politics | 3 |
| Select three other 300-400 level Political Science courses | 9 |
If PSCI 100 or PSCI 105 is used to satisfy Liberal Arts Core requirements, an additional 300-400 level Political Science course must be selected.
Creative Drama Concentration
Take 15 credits
Required Major Credits (Minimum 8 credits)
NOTE: If THEA 130 is used to satisfy the LAC requirement in Area 3, students should select an additional course from the elective category to total 15 credits. Two to four students will be accepted into the program each year.
THEA 308: Summer Session preferred
Additional courses must be selected from the following list to reach a total of 15 credits.
THEA 380: must also take THEA 149 Orientation to Technology (3)
Students interested in the program must submit a writing sample to Theatre Education Faculty. After reading writing samples, Theatre Education Faculty members will interview a select group of students and choose final two to four students for the program.
Earth Science Concentration
Take 15 credits
Choose one of the following:
OCN 301 | Physical and Chemical Oceanography | 4 |
OCN 302 | Geological and Biological Oceanography | 4 |
Choose one of the following:
Environmental Studies Concentration
Take 15 credits
Required Core
Social Processes (choose one of the following courses, 3 credits)
Physical Resources (choose one of the following courses, 3 credits)
ENST 225 | Energy and the Environment | 3 |
ENST 235 | Chemistry and the Environment | 3 |
ENST 255 | Atmospheric Environment of Humans | 3 |
ENST 265 | Conservation of Natural Resources | 3 |
ENST 355 | Introduction to Environmental Health | 3 |
Sensory Perceptions (choose one of the following courses, 3 credits)
NOTE: Nine of the credits taken for this concentration must be at the 300-400 level.
ESL Concentration
Take 15 credits
MAS 275 | Education of Mexican American Students | 3 |
TESL 101 | Admission to ESL Endorsement (Linguistically Diverse Education) | 0 |
TESL 350 | Second Language Acquisition | 3 |
TESL 400 | Methods and Approaches of ESL/EFL | 3 |
TESL 401 | TESL Practicum I | 2 |
TESL 402 | TESL Practicum II | 1 - 2 |
Choose one of the following courses:
ENG 318 | Traditional and Modern Grammars | 3 |
ENG 419 | English Linguistics | 3 |
TESL 380 | Introduction to Linguistics for ESL/LDE Educators | 3 |
NOTES: Students must complete MAS 100 Introduction to Mexican American Studies to satisfy the LAC Area 8 requirement and as a prerequisite to MAS 275.
Students must complete a second language requirement equivalent to ONE year of college level studies.
MAS 275 and TESL 350 must be completed before TESL 400. TESL 400 must be completed prior to doing the TESL Practicum courses.
Students must student teach in an ESL-based classroom.
Students in this Concentration area are expected to complete the ESL Endorsement.
French Concentration
Take 15 credits
Choose one of the following:
Take all of the following:
FR 202 | Intermediate French II | 3 |
FR 407 | French Phonetics and Oral Proficiency | 3 |
Take two of the following:
FR 301 | France & Francophonie I | 3 |
FR 302 | France & Francophonie II | 3 |
FR 311 | French Civilization and Literature Survey I | 3 |
FR 312 | French Civilization and Literature Survey II | 3 |
NOTES : All 200-300 level FR courses are conducted in French.
FR 116:Students may not use FR 116 or FR 117 to satisfy the LAC area 7. requirement.
FR 202: Students must have completed FR 201 or have demonstrated proficiency. Consent of instructor required.
Geography Concentration
Take 15 credits
Take both of the following courses:
Choose one of the following courses:
Choose two of the following:
| Any 300 level regional geography course | 3 |
| and | |
| Any 300-level systematic geography course | 3 |
NOTE: Students must take GEOG 100 or GEOG 110 to satisfy the LAC area 5 requirement.
German Concentration
Take 15 credits
GER 116 | Contemporary Germany | 3 |
GER 202 | Intermediate German II | 3 |
GER 407 | German Phonetics and Oral Proficiency | 3 |
GER 116: Students may not use GER 116 to satisfy the LAC area 7 requirement.
GER 202: Students must have completed GER 201 or have demonstrated proficiency. Consent of instructor required.
Choose two of the following:
GER 301 | Germany and the Germans I | 3 |
GER 302 | Germany and the Germans II | 3 |
GER 311 | German Civilization and Literature Survey I | 3 |
GER 312 | German Civilization and Literature Survey II | 3 |
NOTES: All 200-300 level GER courses are conducted in German.
History Concentration
Take 15 credits
Choose one of the following:
HIST 100 | Survey of American History from Its Beginnings to 1877 | 3 |
HIST 120 | Western Civilization from Ancient Greece to 1689 | 3 |
HIST 121 | Western Civilization from 1689 to the Present | 3 |
Choose two of the following
| Any 300-400 level history course | |
Choose one of the following:
| Any 300-319 level non-western history course | |
Choose one of the following:
| Any 300-400 level course in Economics, Geography or Political Science | |
Language Arts Concentration
Take 15 credits
Choose one of the following courses:
EDRD 410 | Achieving Effective Instruction in Developmental Reading | 3 |
ENG 204 | Literature about Childhood and Adolescence | 3 |
ENG 414 | Greek and Comparative Mythology | 3 |
Choose one of the following courses:
Choose one of the following courses
ENG 318 | Traditional and Modern Grammars | 3 |
ENG 320 | History of the English Language | 3 |
ENG 419 | English Linguistics | 3 |
Speaking and Listening:
Choose one of the following courses
Choose one of the following courses
ART 290 | Visual Thinking and Visual Images | 3 |
FILM 120 | Introduction to Film | 3 |
JMC 390 | Impact of Mass Communications on Society | 3 |
Mathematics Concentration
Take 14 credits: Students entering this program are expected to have the equivalent of four years of high school mathematics that will enable them to begin a study of calculus; students without these prerequisites may be required to take additional courses in algebra and trigonometry before beginning the calculus sequence.
MATH 228 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 |
MATH 341 | Introduction to Modern Geometry I | 3 |
MATH 391 | Introduction to Number Theory | 3 |
MATH 395 | Topics in Mathematics for Teachers | 3 |
MED 381 | Fundamental Mathematics Education Lab | 2 |
NOTE: Students must take MATH 131 instead of MATH 181 to satisfy part of the LAC Area 2 requirement. The other part of the requirement is MATH 182. The total number of credits in this concentration is 14 because the number of credits of LAC requirements in Mathematics is increased from 6 to 7.
MATH 395: Non-licensure students may substitute another course for this requirement with approval of their advisor.
Multicultural Studies Concentration
Take 15 credits
Introduction to Cultural Issues in the U.S.
Choose one of the following:
MCS 101 | Multiculturalism in the United States: Concepts and Issues | 3 |
SOC 237 | Sociology of Minorities | 3 |
MCS 101 and SOC 237: Students may not use these courses to satisfy the LAC Area 8 requirement.
History Courses
Choose one of the following:
Education Courses
Choose one of the following:
AFS 310 | African Americans and U.S. Education | 3 |
MAS 275 | Education of Mexican American Students | 3 |
Issues Courses
Choose two of the following:
AFS 340 | The Black Family | 3 |
AFS 422 | Directed Studies | 1 - 4 |
ANT 314 | Anthropology of Sex and Gender Diversity | 3 |
ANT 317 | Contemporary Native American Issues | 3 |
HISP 395 | History and Philosophy of Bilingual Education | 3 |
MAS 422 | Directed Studies | 1 - 3 |
WS 240 | Women, Race and Class | 3 |
WS 285 | Global and Cross Cultural Perspectives of Women | 3 |
WS 422 | Directed Studies | 1 - 3 |
Music Education Concentration
Take 15 credits
MUS 210 | Introduction to Music Education | 1 |
Choose one of the following:
MUS 104 | Foundations of Music Theory | 3 |
MUS 204 | Music Fundamentals and Experiences | 3 |
MUS 204: Students who take this course to satisfy a LAC requirement must select another course from this category.
Choose one of the following:
MUS 140, MUS 143, and MUS 247: Students who take this course to satisfy a LAC requirement must select another course from this category.
Choose eight credits from the following:
Music Performance Concentration
Students declaring this emphasis must be proficient in an instrument or voice.
Take 15 credits
Choose one of the following:
MUS 104 | Foundations of Music Theory | 3 |
MUS 204 | Music Fundamentals and Experiences | 3 |
MUS 204: Students who take these courses to satisfy a LAC requirement must select another course from the category.
Choose one of the following
MUS 140, MUS 143, MUS 150, and MUS 247: Students who take these courses to satisfy a LAC requirement must select another course from the category.
Choose three of the following:
Choose six credits from the following, including at least 4 credits from 300-400 level courses:
Performing Ensembles:
NOTES: Audition requred for all Performing Ensembles listed above.
Individual Performances in Music (270/470/670 through 277/477/677 — each number is a different specialty). Lessons are by consent of instructor.
Physics Concentration
Take 14 credits
NOTES: Students must take PHYS 220 instead of SCI 265 as a LAC Area 6 requirement. The total number of credits in this concentration is 14 because this substitution increases the required Area 6 credits from four to five.
PHYS 422 Students must take PHYS 422 and act as an Elementary Laboratory Assistant for SCI 265. (Lab Assistant, take one credit)
PHYS 495: Take 2 credits
SCED 440: Non-licensure students may substitute another course for this requirement with approval from their advisor.
Spanish Concentration
Take 15 credits
NOTES: All courses with a SPAN prefix are taught in Spanish.
Heritage speakers of Spanish with program approval through placement test may substitute SPAN 310 and SPAN 311 plus one 3 credit upper division Spanish elective course for SPAN 301, SPAN 302, and SPAN 303.
Required Major Credits — 9 credits
SPAN 310 | Spanish for Native Speakers | 5 |
SPAN 311 | Spanish for Native Speakers | 1 |
| One additional Elective | 3 |
Visual Arts Integration Concentration
Take 15 credits
Must choose one of the following:
Choose two of the following:
Choose two of the following (must total 6 credits)
Visual Arts Studio Concentration
Required Major Credits — 15 credits
Must take all of the following:
To continue with this concentration students must pass a portfolio review. Students who do not pass the portfolio may continue with the Arts Integration Concentration.
Elective Courses:
Continuing students must select two of the following courses or two from the Arts Integration concentration list above:
4. Required PTEP — 44 credits
Take EDFE 110 Initial PTEP Application (0) semester before PTEP courses
ART 444 | Methods of Teaching Art in the Elementary School | 1 |
CH 303 | Health Education in the Elementary School | 1 |
EDEL 350 | Emergent Literacy, Pre-K Through Grade 3 | 3 |
EDEL 450 | Integrated Social Studies and Mathematics Methods | 4 |
EDF 370 | Social Foundations of Education | 3 |
EDSE 430 | Exceptional Student in the Elementary Classroom | 2 |
ET 247 | Technology in Education for Elementary Teaching | 1 |
MUS 305 | Music Methods for Elementary Teachers | 1 |
PSY 347 | Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers | 3 |
SCED 475 | Teaching Science in the Elementary School | 3 |
SES 403 | Physical Education Methods for Elementary Teachers | 1 |
SCED 475: recommended to be taken with Literacy Block
Choose one of the following courses
TESL 370 | Teaching English Language Learners in the Elementary Education Classroom | 3 |
TESL 400 | Methods and Approaches of ESL/EFL | 3 |
TESL 400 Methods and Approaches of ESL/EFL (3) ESL Concentration only
Literacy Block — 5 credits (3.0 GPA required)
Take EDFE 120 Full Admission to PTEP Application (0) semester before Literacy Block
Student Teaching Block — 13 credits (3.0 GPA required)
Take EDFE 130 Student Teaching Application (0) semester before Student Teaching
EDEL 453 | Effective Instruction in Elementary School: Social Studies and Mathematics | 2 |
ET 347 | Educational Technology Applications for Elementary Teaching | 1 |
Choose one of the following courses
EDEL 454 | Student Teaching in Elementary School | 10 |
EDEL 444 | ESL & Bilingual Supervised Teaching | 1 - 15 |
EDEL 444: ESL and Bilingual Concentrations only