Survey of the three components of the criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections. Emphasis on the structural and situational factors influencing the way these agencies of social control operate.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Introduces the philosophy and techniques of policing including the history, traditions, and social developments resulting in present systems. Focus on the nature of police work, police discretion, and community relations.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). A study of the American judicial system with emphasis on its structure, function, and process. Focus on the role, function, and behavior of prosecutors, defense attorneys, judges and jurors.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Analysis and evaluation of contemporary institutional and community correctional systems including jails, prisons, probation, parole, and alternative sanctioning. Examines punishment justifications and reviews correctional practices for juvenile and adult offenders.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). In-depth examination of the relationship between policing and social problems by focusing on the fundamental theories of crime and identifying and analyzing crime from a law enforcement perspective.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Focus on the juvenile justice system that responds to criminal acts committed by minors, as well as theories that attempt to explain the development of law-breaking behaviors in this population.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110. Examine the emerging discipline of victimology, including the history of victim services, its place in the criminal justice system, and its role in addressing the needs of those victimized by criminal activity.
Prerequisites: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Examines the phenomenon of family violence from the perspective of victims, offenders, and children. Focus on safety concerns for victims and criminal justice system response to victims and offenders.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Examine major types of crime in the context of theories of crime and criminal behavior. Explain and critique current social responses to crime and policies of crime control.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Use inductive and deductive reasoning in understanding violent crime scenes and in establishing suspect profiles. Emphasis on assessing an offender's 'signature', modus operandi and motives.
Prerequisites: CRJ 110 and STAT 150 with a minimum grade of "C" or better (C- is not acceptable). Study research methods and statistical techniques for conducting research and analyzing data encountered in criminal justice research. Emphasis on questions inherent to the study of contemporary issues in criminal justice.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of "C" or better (C- is not acceptable). Offerings under this heading focus on criminal justice topics not regularly offered in the department. Topics could include capital punishment, community policing, minorities in the justice system, etc. Repeatable, under different subtitles.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). In an intense format, this course provides the student with a series of lectures describing the manner and cause of death. Accidental, suicide, homicide and natural death will be examined.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). In an intense format, this course provides students with lectures and lab exercise practicums for documenting crime scenes, identifying and collecting evidence, and processing crime scenes.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). In an intense format, this course provides the principles of photography and complimentary crime scene documentation techniques as applied to criminal investigation using digital photography.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). In an intense format, students examine bloodstain pattern evidence. Course includes laboratory experimentation of blood flight characteristics of motion and force for reconstructing a sequence of events and post-crime activities.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). In an intense format, this course provides students with lectures and practicum exercises to demonstrate basic training and skills for shooting crime scene examinations.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Workshops on special topics related to issues associated with, or in professional preparation for, criminal justice. Goals and objectives will emphasize the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the discipline. Repeatable, under different subtitles.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of "C" or better (C- is not acceptable). Senior majors only. Examine criminal justice in countries around the world. Compare those systems with the justice system in the United States. Attention on agencies and procedures for law enforcement, adjudication, and correction.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of "C" or better (C- is not acceptable). Juniors or above. Credit counts toward major. Individualized investigation under direct supervision of a faculty member. Minimum 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour. Department agreement form must be completed. Repeatable, maximum concurrent enrollment is two times.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of "C" or better (C- is not acceptable). Examine ethical theory, controversies, and rules of moral judgment as they relate to criminal justice practitioners. Discuss and evaluate ethical dilemmas faced by those working in the criminal justice system.
CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Presents a critical analysis of the impact of race/ethnicity, gender, and social class in the criminal justice system, including examination of law enforcement, the courts, corrections, offending, and victimization.
Prerequisite: CRJ 380 with a minimum grade of C or better (C- is not acceptable). Study of basic descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on applications in the criminal justice system. Second of two required research and statistics classes for the Criminal Justice B.A.
Prerequisite: CRJ 110 with a minimum grade of "C" or better (C- is not acceptable). Juniors and seniors only. Consent of instructor. Majors and minors only. Supervised experience in a justice agency. Fifty work hours required for each credit hour earned. Credit only for work completed during the semester enrolled. Arrange placement prior to course enrollment. S/U graded. Repeatable, maximum of 6 credits.