2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Philosophy

PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy

An examination of issues pertaining to knowledge, reality and morality. Issues examined might include the following: Can we know anything? Does God exist? Is morality merely personal opinion? (LAC, gtP)


PHIL 101 Critical Thinking and Writing

Prerequisite: ENG 122. Introduction to methods of critical thinking as required for critical and evaluative writing.


PHIL 140 Basic Logic

An introduction to deductive and inductive reasoning. Students will develop their creative and critical thinking skills while learning to avoid common fallacies in the contexts of decision-making and problem-solving.


PHIL 150 Ethics in Theory and Practice

Acquaint students with the history of ethical theories and enable students to apply the theories to contemporary ethical problems. (LAC, gtP)


PHIL 200 Philosophical Figures

An introduction to the thought of one or two major classical or contemporary philosophers, e.g., Socrates and Plato, Zhuangzi, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Wittgenstein, Rawls, Nussbaum. Repeatable under different subtitles. (LAC, gtP)


PHIL 220 The Nature of Legal Reasoning

No background in philosophy is required. A study of the reasoning involved in the law. Students will read cases, write legal briefs and argue their cases orally.


PHIL 260 History of Ancient Philosophy

A study of the major figures in the history of Western philosophy from the pre-Socratics to Plotinus.


PHIL 261 History of Modern Philosophy

A study of the major figures in Western philosophy from Descartes through Kant.


PHIL 300 Topics in Philosophy

Offerings under this heading will focus on areas of philosophical interest not regularly covered at the 300 level (e.g., Philosophy of Mind). Repeatable, under different subtitles.


PHIL 310 Topics in Ethics and Public Policy

Specific offerings will be on various areas of applied ethics or public policy, e.g., bioethics, environmental policy, or professional ethics. Repeatable under different subtitles


PHIL 311 Environmental Ethics

Explore theories of environmental value; understand and evaluate the ethical implications of environmental choices and policies.


PHIL 340 Formal Logic I

A first course in mathematical logic. Topics include calculi and artificial languages, the logistic method, truth functions, propositional calculi, and a language adequate for first order logic.


PHIL 341 Formal Logic II

Prerequisite: PHIL 340. Topics include inference rules for first order logic, logical metatheory (including proofs of the soundness and completeness of a first order predicate calculus), identity and terms, and formalized theories.


PHIL 350 Ethics

In-depth examination of selected topics in ethics (e.g. ethical relativism and subjectivism, the possibility of moral knowledge, the structure of moral reasoning, freedom and responsibility).


PHIL 355 Social and Political Philosophy

In-depth examination of selected topics in social and political philosophy (e.g. the concept of political obligation, freedom and dissent, equality and justice, human rights).


PHIL 360 Feminist Theories

This course offers a survey of competing philosophical, political, and epistemological feminist frameworks for understanding gender inequality, examining how feminist theories both build on and critique Western philosophical traditions. Can also be taken as GNDR 350.


PHIL 370 Philosophy of Religion

In-depth examination of selected topics in philosophy of religion (e.g. the nature and justification of religious belief, freedom and sin, arguments for and against God's existence).


PHIL 385 Epistemology

In-depth examination of selected topics in theory of knowledge (e.g. the nature and limits of human knowledge, knowledge and belief, doubt and certainty, perception and intuition, faith and justification).


PHIL 390 Metaphysics

In-depth examination of selected topics in metaphysics (e.g. the nature of space and time, particulars and universals, the different senses of 'being,' substance, causality, identity and difference).


PHIL 422 Directed Study

Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.) Repeatable, maximum concurrent enrollment is two times.

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PHIL 495 Advanced Seminar

Detailed investigation of a specific philosophical issue. Substantial independent research and at least one oral presentation required. Repeatable under different subtitles.


PHIL 497 Student Internship

Consent of instructor. Practical training in one or more areas of the profession. Only six credits counted for major and 3 for minor. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.

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