Graduate 2019-2020

EDRD 745 Topical Seminar in Reading/ Literacy

Advanced study and inquiry, in Reading/Literacy education. Address landmark research, analysis and synthesis of past and present trends and issues, and scholarly pursuit of scholarly topic. Repeatable, may be taken four times, under different subtitles.


EDRD 795 Supervised Practicum in College Teaching

Experiences in observation and supervised practice in college teaching to be used as basis for analysis of learning experiences. S/U graded.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 9 credit hours

EDRD 797 Doctoral Proposal Research

Students must earn 4 hours of credit for doctoral dissertation research proposal in partial fulfillment of requirements for doctoral degree before admission to candidacy. S/U graded.
1- 4

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 4 credit hours

EDRD 799 Doctoral Dissertation

Students must earn 12 hours of credit for the dissertation in partial fulfillment of requirements for the doctoral degree. S/U graded.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations