Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023
Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
Program Overview
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
The Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy minor is designed for students who wish to explore the ethical and social/political significance of their lived experience, or to complement their major area of study through an interdisciplinary exploration of the relationship between theory and practice. Students in this minor begin with an introduction to theoretical and practical ethics and political theory before proceeding to more specialized courses that examine specific social, political, or ethical issues. All Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy minors are encouraged to meet with a minor advisor to develop a program of study that will meet their specific needs and interests.
Minor Requirements — 18 Credits
Ethical Foundations — 6 Credits
Take all of the following courses:
Social/Political Theory — 3 Credits
Choose at least one of the following courses:
Applied Philosophy — 3 Credits
Choose at least one of the following courses:
Interdisciplinary Electives — 6 Credits
Choose additional courses from list this below to bring the total hours in the minor to 18 credits
Program Notes
Notes on Electives:
- Students may elect to take two or more courses listed under Social/Political Theory and Applied Philosophy. In that case, no interdisciplinary coursework is needed.
- PHIL 365 is a variable title course and may be repeated for credit under different subtitles. Each specific subtitle counts separately for credit toward the minor.
Other Notes:
- Specific sections of PHIL 225, PHIL 300, PHIL 422, PHIL 492, PHIL 495 and MIND 288 may be used as electives with the minor advisor's approval (a substitution form is required). Students should consult with their minor advisor before registering.
- A maximum of 12 credit hours may be shared between a major and minor.