2011-2012 Graduate Catalog

EDEL 725 Seminar in Elementary School Mathematics

Prerequisite: EDEL 520 or EDEL 620. Cover important problems in the teaching and supervision of mathematics in the elementary school. Content may vary from year to year according to needs of participants. S/U graded.


EDEL 745 Seminar in Elementary School English

Advanced study and original research in teaching English/language arts in the elementary and middle school. S/U graded.


EDEL 755 Seminar in Elementary Education Social Studies

Prerequisite: EDEL 550 or EDEL 650. A consideration of the research applicable to crucial issues in elementary social studies including the child's development of key concepts, values, morals and skills; curriculum development and evaluation. S/U graded.


EDEL 790 Supervised Practicum in College Teaching

Experience in observation and supervised practice of college teaching for doctoral candidates planning to teach at college level. Observations and experiences used as basis for analysis of learning experiences. S/U graded. Repeatable, maximum of six credits.


EDEL 797 Doctoral Proposal Research

Required of all doctoral students. Students must earn 4 hours of credit for doctoral dissertation research proposal in partial fulfillment of requirements for doctoral degree before admission to candidacy. S/U graded. Repeatable, maximum of four credits.

1 - 4

EDEL 799 Doctoral Dissertation

Required of all doctoral candidates. Students must earn 12 hours of credit for the dissertation in partial fulfillment of requirements for the doctoral degree. S/U graded. Repeatable, no limitations.

1 - 12