2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog

BACS 200 Web Design and Development for Small Business

Prerequisite: Computer literacy required. Required laboratory arranged. Study web site design concepts for e-business applications. Designing, developing, publishing, and managing web sites will be emphasized. Projects focus on web presence requirements for small and midsized companies.


BACS 285 Application Programming Languages

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the computer proficiency exam or BACS 101. Required laboratory arranged. Business majors only. An activity course exploring business programming applications using modern computer languages. Topics include inputting, outputting, processing logic, character processing, file processing and subroutes.


BACS 287 Graphical Interface Programming

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the computer proficiency exam or BACS 101. Required laboratory arranged. Majors and minors only. Covers modern programming languages geared for graphical user interfaces and interactive processing. This course introduces students to end-user computing, human factors, graphical programming environments and event-driven programming.