2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog

CIE 035 College Study Skills

Instruct students in a variety of strategies that will help them achieve academic goals and be successful university studnets. Strategies will include: learning how they learn best, maximizing available resources, learning self-management and personal responsibility, and learning academic honesty.


CIE 036 High-Basic Speaking/Listening

Primary focus is: learning to differentiate between statements and questions, fact and opinion, identifying main ideas, listening for a speaker’s point of view, and note-taking techniques for academic classes.


CIE 037 High-Basic Writing

Primary focus is: the paragraph level of writing. This includes the steps of the writing process: prewriting, drafting, and revising, organizational patterns, such as chronological and spatial order, transition signals and description.


CIE 038 High-Basic Grammar

Primary focus is: the present tense of verbs, past tense, future tense, pronouns, including demonstratives, regular and irregular verbs, count and non-count nouns and prepositions.


CIE 039 High-Basic Reading and Vocabulary

Primary focus is: learning new vocabulary, focusing on contextual clues, reading skills like previewing, predicting, skimming, and scanning, sequencing ideas and demonstrating ability to differentiate between fact and opinion.