2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

CIE 045 Computer Skills

Build basic computer skills in Microsoft Word and in PowerPoint. Students will learn basic functions of the most important toolbars, to navigate throughout programs, to create, format, save, revise and organize documents, and create, modify and present to the class a PowerPoint presentation.


CIE 046 Low-Intermediate Speaking/Listening

Students will be able to define and use new vocabulary, discuss main ideas, details and examples related lectures, and identify chronology, process, and classify/define. Also, students will take notes, work on pronunciation and presentation skills.


CIE 047 Low-Intermediate Writing

Students will learn: the writing process, finding and narrowing topic, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs, narration, support, order, description, capitalization, commas, quotation marks, and compare/contrast.


CIE 048 Low-Intermediate Grammar

Students will show competency with: nouns and quantifiers, articles, prepositional phrases, "Wh" questions, gerunds, linking verbs, adjectives, adverbs, independent & dependent clauses, future time clauses, simple, compound, & complex sentences.


CIE 049 Low-Intermediate Reading/Vocabulary

Students will learn: new vocabulary, main ideas, specific information & facts using outside resources & direct quotes, identification of author’s position or opinion, drawing conclusions and making comparisons.