2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

CS 422 Directed Studies

A plan should be submitted and approved by all computer science faculty. Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.) Repeatable, maximum concurrent enrollment is two times.

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CS 440 Operating Systems

Prerequisites: CS 301. Study operating systems history, concepts/structure and design; process, processor, memory, file system and input/output management; and representative operating systems.


CS 442 Networking

Prerequisite: CS 440. Study data communications; network structure, design and architectures; network services and standardization; and respective networks all in the framework of the OSI model.


CS 480 Graphics

Prerequisite: CS 301. Study graphics theory and applications including the description and transformation of world, viewpoint, eye and screen coordinates, two and three dimensional graphics and hidden line algorithms.


CS 497 Senior Project

Senior or above. A significant computer project will be developed and implemented under the guidance of a computer science professor. A project proposal should be submitted and approved by all computer science faculty. Repeatable, maximum of eight credits.

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