2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

RTH 203 Introduction to Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality

Conceptual foundations of play, recreation, leisure, tourism, hospitality. Historical and cultural perspectives, economic and political significance, leisure behavior, the environment, relationship of leisure service agencies, professionalism, issues and trends.


RTH 206 Commercial Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality

Organization of commercial recreation, tourism, and hospitality. Supply and demand components, historical and cultural perspectives, marketing, public relations, promotional techniques, roles of commercial leisure delivery systems, and programming strategies.


RTH 232 Leadership in Parks and Recreation

Prerequisite: RTH 203. Group management, ethical leadership, program execution/development/evaluation, and event management. Motivating for activity participation. Managing problematic participant behavior. Leading safely, according to age groups in parks and recreation settings.


RTH 233 Leadership in Tourism and Hospitality

Prerequisite: RTH 203. The course is designed to assist students in the five critical stages of successful event leadership: research, design, planning, coordination and evaluation. Professional opportunities in the event management industry discussed.