
Graduate 2018-2019

Education M.A.T. — English Education Emphasis

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Degree Requirements — 30 Credit Hours

Applicants must have one full year of full-time classroom teaching required for admission.

See “Education M.A.T.”.

Degree Requirements

Graduate Study Core - 6 credits

EED 600Introduction to Graduate Studies: Issues, Trends, and Topics in English Education


SRM 600Introduction to Graduate Research


Required Electives - 6 credits

Choose two courses form the list below:
ECLD 602Teaching Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Learners


EDSE 510Foundations of Special Education


ELIT 610Literacy Teaching


PSY 540Theories and Principles of Learning


Required Major Credits — 30 credits

Cognate Areas - 18 credits

Students have three options in selecting a cognate area:
Students can select a single cognate composed of six courses or 18 credits.
Students can select three courses from two different concentrations (e.g., three courses in SRM and three courses in PSY), nine credits from each area, for a total of 18 credits.

Working with an EED adviser, students can create an interdisciplinary concentration. Note that for this option, students must submit a proposal to the EED committee that identifies the desired classes and indicates how these classes will be applicable to the student's final project.
Students can take courses either on-line or on-site.

Possible Cognate Areas:

Composition and Literacy Studies, Literature, Film, & Writing, Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education (Note: Working with an advisor and one additional course, students can also earn a CLD endorsement), Literacy, Special Education, Psychology, Statistics & Research Methods, Curriculum Studies, Technology, Innovation, & Pedagogy