
Graduate 2018-2019

Sport and Exercise Science M.S. — Sport Pedagogy Emphasis

Program temporarily not accepting applications.

College of Natural and Health Sciences

Degree Requirements — 33 Credits

See “Sport and Exercise Science M.S.”.

Degree Requirements

Required Emphasis Credits — 27 hours

SES 602Introduction to Research in Sport and Exercise Science


SES 603Professional Development Seminar


SES 612Assessment in Sport Pedagogy


SES 614Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education


SES 628Adventure Education


SES 640Curriculum in Physical Education


SES 643Instructional Strategies for K-12 Physical Education


SES 645Supervision in K-12 Physical Education


SES 680Perspectives in Sport Pedagogy


Elective Credits — 6 hours

Select one of the following options:

Thesis Option

SES 699 Thesis (6 Credits)

The thesis option may be included as elective hours within a student's program. The thesis option requires the completion of a research study, including problems development with data collections and appropriate analysis. The thesis will be completed in a format consistent with UNC Graduate School guidelines. Students must request approval from their advisor to complete the Thesis and the Student's advisory and at least one additional UNC faculty member will comprise the thesis committee.


Non-Thesis Option

Students selecting this option must complete a written project and a corresponding oral presentation. Project topic must be per-approved but his/her designated M.S. Advisor. Contact the Program Coordinator if an M.S. Advisor had not been designated.