
Graduate 2018-2019

Music M.M. — Music Compostion Emphasis

College of Performing and Visual Arts

Degree Requirements — 33 Credits

See “Music M.M.”.

Degree Requirements

Required Emphasis Credits — 33 hours

MUS 509Electronic Music


MUS 600Introduction to Musical Scholarship


MUS 603Analytical Studies in Music


MUS 677Individual Instruction in Composition


MUS 699Thesis


Music Performing Organization and/or Individual Performance


Music History


MUS 677: Take 8 credits

MUS 699: Thesis: Take 6 credits (or original composition)

Select one of the following courses: (3 hours)

MUS 651Seminar in Music History: Debussy to 1945


MUS 652Seminar in Music History: 1945 to the Present



Studies in Music History will be selected by advisement based upon candidate's needs identified through advisory examination.


NOTES: MUS 502 and MUS 503 may be required if advisory examinations indicate that these courses will significantly increase the strength of Master of Music candidates in Theory and Composition.

Students who are able to prove their competency in any of the required courses listed above may substitute electives chosen in consultation with the advisor.

Master of Music candidates will present a recital of their compositions written as part of their degree program.

In addition to the Music, M.M. requirements above, Theory and Composition candidates must submit examples of works composed, supported if possible by recordings.

This emphasis requires that the student has completed a Bachelor’s degree in music.