Undergraduate 2020-2021

EDEL 455 Approaches to Content Literacy for Diverse Learners

Builds on EDEL 350 Emergent Literacy and TESL 380 Introduction to Linguistics to examine content literacy for all learners, including culturally and linguistically diverse learners. Examines theories, concepts, and research relevant to the development of content area language/literacy including how to implement effective strategies and select appropriate materials for all students’ language/literacy development and content learning with special attention to CLD population.




(EDEL 250 and EDEL 350 with a minimum grade of D-) and (EDFE 120 with a minimum grade of S or Applic for Full Adm to PTEP with a minimum score of 9)


EDEL 425 and EDEL 457

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Elementary Education Major(s)

Class Restriction

Include Junior and Senior