BIO 502 | Biomedicine and Careers | 1 |
BIO 511 | Field Techniques in Biology | 2 |
BIO 512 | TA Development Seminar | 1 |
BIO 521 | Advanced Genetics | 3 |
BIO 525 | Molecular Genetics | 3 |
BIO 528 | Developmental Biology | 3 |
BIO 530 | Plant Systematics | 4 |
BIO 533 | General Parasitology | 4 |
BIO 534 | Mammalogy | 4 |
BIO 535 | Survey of Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles | 4 |
BIO 537 | Morphogenesis of Algae and Fungi | 4 |
BIO 538 | Ornithology | 4 |
BIO 539 | Molecular Ecology | 3 |
BIO 539L | Molecular Ecology Lab | 1 |
BIO 541 | Advanced Human Anatomy | 3 |
BIO 542 | Molecular and Cellular Laboratory | 2 |
BIO 544 | Comparative Vertebrate Adaptations | 4 |
BIO 545 | Pathogenic Microbiology | 3 |
BIO 546 | Pathogenic Microbiology Laboratory | 1 |
BIO 547 | Immunology and Disease | 3 |
BIO 548 | Virology | 3 |
BIO 549 | Virology Laboratory | 1 |
BIO 550 | Cell Physiology | 3 |
BIO 552 | Advanced Systemic Physiology: Homeostats | 3 |
BIO 553 | Advanced Systemic Physiology: Control Systems | 3 |
BIO 554 | General Plant Physiology | 4 |
BIO 555 | Reproductive Biology | 3 |
BIO 556 | Current Topics in Biomedical Research | 2 |
BIO 560 | Behavioral Ecology | 3 |
BIO 561 | Plant Ecology | 3 |
BIO 562 | Conservation Biology | 3 |
BIO 563 | Animal Communication | 3 |
BIO 564 | Plant Ecology Lab | 1 |
BIO 565 | Current Topics in Ecology and Evolutionary Research | 2 |
BIO 566 | Animal Physiological Ecology | 3 |
BIO 568 | Disturbance Ecology | 3 |
BIO 570 | Coevolution in Ecological Systems | 3 |
BIO 572 | Species and Speciation | 3 |
BIO 576 | Pharmacology | 3 |
BIO 578 | Pathobiology | 3 |
BIO 580 | Mammalian Endocrinology | 3 |
BIO 581 | Neurobiology | 3 |
BIO 582 | Cancer Biology | 3 |
BIO 591 | Biology Roundtable | 1 |
BIO 622 | Directed Studies | 1- 4 |
BIO 631 | Teaching College Biology | 3 |
BIO 632 | College Biology Course Development | 3 |
BIO 691 | Seminar in Biological Sciences | 1 |
BIO 697 | Graduate Research | 1- 6 |
CHEM 581 | General Biochemistry I | 4 |
CHEM 582 | General Biochemistry II | 4 |
EDF 685 | Philosophical Foundations of Education | 3 |
GEOG 507 | Geographic Information Science | 3 |
GEOG 540 | Biogeography | 3 |
HESA 650 | College Student Development: Foundational Theory | 3 |
HESA 668 | College Students: Culture, Characteristics, Campus Life | 3 |
PSY 540 | Theories and Principles of Learning | 3 |
PSY 575 | Educational Assessment | 3 |
PSY 640 | Cultural Issues in Education Psychology | 3 |
PSY 644 | Motivation in Education | 3 |
PSY 674 | Measurement I: Classical Test Theory | 3 |
PSY 675 | Measurement II: Contemporary Test Theory | 3 |
PSY 681 | Learning and Instruction | 3 |
PSY 682 | Cognition and Instruction II | 3 |
SCED 561 | Using Controversial Topics to Teach Nature of Science | 3 |
SCED 578 | K-12 Science Inquiry | 3 |
SCED 678 | Science Education Seminar | 1- 2 |
SCED 695 | Action Research in Science Education I | 1 |
SCED 696 | Action Research in Science Education II | 1 |
SCED 697 | Action Research in Science Education III | 1 |
SRM 602 | Statistical Methods I | 3 |
SRM 603 | Statistical Methods II | 3 |