**Review** Graduate Catalog 2025-2026

BIO 501 Current Issues in Biology

Course varies in content, reviewing current issues of biology. S/U graded.
1- 6

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

BIO 502 Biomedicine and Careers

This course will assist students in preparing for careers in biomedicine. Topics include biomedical ethics, interpersonal skill development, professionalism, the application process, interviewing skills and strategies to finance continued education.



Generally offered Fall Annually

Program Restrictions

Include Biomedical Science-MBS and BioSci:Non-Thesis-MS

Level Restriction

Include GR

BIO 508 Workshop

A variety of workshops on special topics within the discipline. Goals and objectives will emphasize the acquisition of general knowledge and skills in the discipline.
1- 3

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

BIO 511 Field Techniques in Biology

(1 lecture, 1 laboratory) The most common field techniques for both plant and animal biology, focusing on biodiversity.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 512 TA Development Seminar

Explores instructional strategies related to effective teaching of undergraduate laboratory learning environments. Intended to help develop teaching skills of graduate teaching assistants in the Biology program. S/U graded.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 513 Professional Renewal

Update skills and knowledge of professionals in the discipline. Goals and objectives will be specifically directed at individual professional enhancement rather than the acquisition of general discipline knowledge or methodologies. S/U or letter graded.
1- 3

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

BIO 521 Advanced Genetics

Survey experimental advances in gene regulation of growth, maintenance and protection of all organisms including the human species with special emphasis on recent developments in the field.


(BIO 220 and CHEM 331 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 525 Molecular Genetics

Examination of protein synthesis, DNA replication, gene expression, gene structure, and regulation of gene expression.


(BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C) and (CHEM 481 or CHEM 381 with a minimum grade of C)

Level Restriction

Include GR

BIO 527 Economic Botany

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Study of the identification, properties, uses, and distribution of plants used by people in the past, present, and future.


BIO 111 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 528 Developmental Biology

Exploration of animal development. Emphasis on the genetic basis of cell organization and identity during embryogenesis and differentiation. Topics include fertilization, gastrulation, axis specification, patterning, organogenesis, stem cells.


BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 530 Plant Systematics

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) History of plant taxonomy, phylogenetic systematics, family recognition, and identification of local flora using keys. Native plant collection and field trips required.


BIO 111 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Fee

Course Fee Required and Participation Fee Required

BIO 533 General Parasitology

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Study of the symbiotic relationships of parasitism as exemplified by typical parasites of humans, domesticated and wild animals, stressing life cycles, pathogenesis, systematics and hostparasite relationships.


BIO 111 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

BIO 534 Mammalogy

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Study of the functional biology, ecology and behaviors of mammals. Laboratory stresses the identification and ecology of Colorado species. Field work required.


BIO 111 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Fee

Course Fee Required and Participation Fee Required

BIO 535 Survey of Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Investigation of the biology of the cold-blooded vertebrates including their evolution, ecology and behavior. Laboratory stresses the identification and biology of Colorado species.


BIO 111 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Fee

Participation Fee Required

BIO 536 Epigenetics and Disease

Introduction to the mechanisms of epigenetic control of gene expression, including methods used in epigenetic research, interactions between epigenetics and the environment, and the role of epigenetics in human disease.



BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C


Generally offered Fall - Check with department/school for next offering

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 537 Morphogenesis of Algae and Fungi

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Study structure, morphogenesis and Phylogenetic relationships of organisms grouped with algae and fungi. Comparative study to explore multiple kingdom concepts. Ecological, medical and economic aspects of mycology and phycology explored.


BIO 111 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Fee

Course Fee Required and Participation Fee Required

BIO 538 Ornithology

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Study of the evolution, general biology, diversity, ecology and behaviors of birds. Laboratory emphasis will be on identification. Field trips required.


BIO 111 with a minimum grade of C

Level Restriction

Include GR

BIO 539 Molecular Ecology

Investigation of the usage of molecular data to answer ecological questions. Topics include: marker selection, genetic characteristics of organisms, population analyses, phylogenetics conservation genetics, and phylogeography.


BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C


BIO 539L

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 539L Molecular Ecology Lab

(3 Laboratory) Laboratory to accompany BIO 539. Study of the techniques used to collect molecular data for ecological and evolutionary studies.


BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C


BIO 539

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 541 Advanced Human Anatomy

(1 lecture, 6 laboratory) An in depth regional study of the anatomical structures of the human body. Spatial relationships among structures are emphasized. Laboratory includes organ and virtual dissection.


(BIO 341 and BIO 350 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 542 Molecular and Cellular Laboratory

(4 laboratory) Study of the theory and techniques currently used to investigate cells and molecules. Development of the laboratory and problem-solving skills to successfully conduct experiments.


(BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C) and (Concurrent Prerequisite BIO 525 or Concurrent Prerequisite BIO 550 with a minimum grade of C)

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 544 Comparative Vertebrate Adaptations

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Study of the diverse adaptations of vertebrates, from morphological to molecular levels of organization; includes significant overview of relevant primary literature.


BIO 345 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Fee

Participation Fee Required

BIO 545 Pathogenic Microbiology

This lecture course addresses medically-relevant microorganisms and disease. Particular emphasis is placed upon mechanisms of pathogenesis, including microbial virulence factors and immunopathology, epidemiology and public health.


BIO 351 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 546 Pathogenic Microbiology Laboratory

(3 laboratory) Students will learn techniques for the isolation, propagation and identification of pathogenic microorganisms.


BIO 351 with a minimum grade of C


BIO 545

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 547 Immunology and Disease

Explore the cause of disease in animals with a detailed emphasis on functions of the immune system that provide resistance to disease.


BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 548 Virology

Study of the principles of virology, including biochemistry, structure, taxonomy, transmission, isolation and identification strategies.


BIO 351 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 549 Virology Laboratory

(3 laboratory) Study and development of laboratory skills in animal virology, including virus propagation, quantification, and detection assays.


BIO 548

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 550 Cell Physiology

Study of the structural and functional relationships among biological macromolecules, cell organelles and cellular processes.


(BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C) and (CHEM 231 or CHEM 331 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 552 Advanced Systemic Physiology: Homeostats

Advanced systemic physiology, with an emphasis on humans. Essential and advanced topics in systemic physiology, focusing on homeostatic systems.


(BIO 210 with a minimum grade of C) and (CHEM 381 or CHEM 481 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 553 Advanced Systemic Physiology: Control Systems

In-depth examination of the physiological control systems in the human.


(BIO 210 with a minimum grade of C) and (CHEM 381 or CHEM 481 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 554 General Plant Physiology

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Study physiological factors influencing the chemical and structural composition of plant absorption and utilization of water and minerals; photosynthesis, translocation, respiration, nitrogen metabolism and growth and development.


(BIO 111 with a minimum grade of C) and (CHEM 231 with a minimum grade of C or (CHEM 281 and CHEM 281L with a minimum grade of C) or (CHEM 331 and CHEM 331L with a minimum grade of C))

Level Restriction

Include GR

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

BIO 555 Reproductive Biology

Examination of the anatomy, physiology and mechanisms of reproduction with an emphasis on mammals.


(BIO 110 and CHEM 331 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 556 Current Topics in Biomedical Research

Examine current biomedical research, molecular, cellular, and physiological studies of human and model systems. Mechanisms regulating normal function, effects of toxicants and drugs, and the role of genetic mutations.


(BIO 110 and CHEM 331 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

BIO 560 Behavioral Ecology

Study of the principles of behavioral ecology, including the evolutionary basis of behavior, economic models of behavior, interspecific interactions, and social behavior.


BIO 362 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 561 Plant Ecology

Examination of plant communities, effects of environmental factors on plants, as well as community measurement and evaluation, modeling techniques, energy flow through ecosystems, and community dynamics.


(BIO 110 and BIO 360 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Fee

Participation Fee Required

BIO 562 Conservation Biology

Examination of the fundamental principles of conservation biology (biodiversity, habitat degradation, extinction, restoration, planning) with discussion of current topics (climate change, conservation genetics, landscape vs. ecosystem conservation, sustainable development).



Generally offered Spring Odd Years

Mutually Exclusive Course

Credit allowed for only one of these courses: BIO 562 and ESCI 562

Level Restriction

Include GR

BIO 563 Animal Communication

Study of the principles of animal communication, including signal modalities, signal design and signal evolution.


BIO 362 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 564 Plant Ecology Lab

(3 laboratory) Examines methods of plant ecology including monitoring community structure and function, population dynamics, physiological tolerance, and date analysis. The lab will include both field and laboratory experiments.


(BIO 110 and BIO 360 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 565 Current Topics in Ecology and Evolutionary Research

Examine topics in current ecology and evolutionary biology research. Focus on speciation, microevolution, range shifts, species interactions, and ecosystems. Topics will include both applied and basic studies.



(BIO 111 and BIO 360 and BIO 465 with a minimum grade of C)


Generally offered Fall, Spring, and/or Summer - Check with department/school for next offering

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

BIO 566 Animal Physiological Ecology

Study of animal function and how environmental conditions influence the physiology of animals. Emphasis will be on vertebrate systems but invertebrates will be included.


(BIO 110 and BIO 360 with a minimum grade of C)

Level Restriction

Include GR

BIO 568 Disturbance Ecology

Study of natural and anthropogenic disturbances (fire, flood, insect outbreaks) effects on populations, communities and ecosystem function.


(BIO 110 and BIO 360 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 570 Coevolution in Ecological Systems

Survey of contemporary primary literature on coevolution and ecology, including symbiosis, mutualism, competition, pollination, mimicry, parasitism, seed dispersal, etc.


(BIO 360 and BIO 465 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 572 Species and Speciation

Examination of the theoretical and pragmatic perspectives of species recognition and critical review of speciation. Includes considerations of species recognition in context of conservation biology.


BIO 465 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 575 K-12 Science Inquiry

Students will explore and define the elements of inquiry in P-16 science education from the perspective of teaching with inquiry, ability to do inquiry, and as part of science content.



Generally offered Summer Annually

Mutually Exclusive Course

Credit allowed for only one of these courses: BIO 575 and ESCI 578 and SCED 578

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 576 Pharmacology

A mechanistic study of pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs) and pharmacodynamics (drug actions and interactions). Examples of important bioactive chemicals will be discussed.


(BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C) and (BIO 246 or BIO 350 or BIO 552 with a minimum grade of C)

Level Restriction

Include GR

BIO 577 Earth Systems: Water

An online course focusing on Colorado water resources and environmental issues in an Earth Systems context. Applications to societal issues and inquiry learning are emphasized.



Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Even Years

Mutually Exclusive Course

Credit allowed for only one of these courses: BIO 577 and ESCI 581 and SCED 581

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 578 Pathobiology

Causes and mechanisms of disease at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. Cellular homeostasis and adaptive mechanisms, histopathology, toxins/toxicants, infectious disease, senescence, and target tissues.



(BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C) and (BIO 341 or BIO 541 with a minimum grade of C) and (BIO 350 or BIO 552 or BIO 553 with a minimum grade of C)


Generally offered Fall Even Years

Mutually Exclusive Course

Credit allowed for only one of these courses: BIO 578 and BIO 448.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 579 Using Controversial Topics to Teach Nature of Science

Explores use of scientific "controversies" as a teaching strategy to understand the nature of science. Empirical evidences supporting major scientific concepts are integrated with pedagogical strategies.



Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Odd Years

Mutually Exclusive Course

Credit allowed for only one of these courses: BIO 579 and ESCI 561 and SCED 561

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 580 Mammalian Endocrinology

Survey of endocrinology including neuroendocrine physiology, mechanisms of action, regulation of homeostasis, endocrine dysfunction, quantifying hormones.


(BIO 210 and BIO 350 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 581 Neurobiology

Examination of the development, anatomy, and physiology of the nervous system, with an emphasis on humans. Topics will include mechanisms mediating behavior and major brain diseases.


BIO 350 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 582 Cancer Biology

Study the principles of cancer biology including the mechanisms involved in its progression; the roles of DNA damage, heredity, and the environment; and treatment and prevention.


BIO 220 with a minimum grade of C

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 584 Current Topics in Biological Education Research

Examine current topics in biological education research. Focus on teaching, learning, and assessment of biology as well as school policy and curriculum development.

Level Restriction

Include GR

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

BIO 585 Topics in Field Biology

After preparatory work, study biology in the field on a state, national or international basis.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 10 credit hours

BIO 587 Advanced Immunology

Advanced exploration of humoral, cellular, and innate immunology; reproductive, transplant, and cancer immunology; allergies, hypersensitivities, and autoimmunity.



(BIO 381 or BIO 547 with a minimum grade of C)

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 591 Biology Roundtable

An intensive facilitated discussion on current and cutting-edge topics in the Biological Sciences taken from peer reviewed literature and input from visiting scholars. S/U graded.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

BIO 592 Internship in Biological Sciences

On-the-job experience in professional areas under the supervision of an area specialist. S/U graded.
1- 3

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 594 Foundations of Biological Research

Introduction to the scientific method and experimental design, written and oral presentation skills, grantsmanship, ethics and responsible scientific conduct.

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

BIO 595 Special Topics in Biology

Study of any biological topic at an advanced level.
1- 6

Class Restriction

Exclude Freshman and Sophomore

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

BIO 596 Foundations of Clinical Research

This course examines the components of clinical research including design, conduct, analysis of trials, and dissemination of results.

Major/Minor Restriction

Include Biomedical Science Major(s)

Level Restriction

Include GR