**Review** Undergraduate Catalog 2025-2026

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

School of Teacher Education

EDFE 170 Introduction to Field Based Experience

Supervised teacher apprenticeship experience. Assignments to assist personal or professional development in the public or private school. Portfolio and seminars required. Letter graded.



Completion of Applic for Initial Adm to PTEP


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

EDFE 270 Field Based Experience

Entry into the teaching profession. Aide assignment in school or agency at preschool-12 level. Required portfolio and seminars.



(GPA-2.5) and (Completion of Applic for Initial Adm to PTEP)


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

Class Restriction

Include Sophomore and Junior and Senior

Repeatable Status

Course may be repeated 1 time

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

EDFE 370 Advanced Field Based Experience

Advanced supervised teacher apprenticeship experiences. Assignments to assist personal or professional development in the public or private school. Portfolio and seminars required. Letter graded.



(EDFE 170 with a minimum grade of D-) and (Completion of Applic for Full Adm to PTEP)


Generally offered Spring Annually

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

EDFE 444 Supervised Student Teaching

Must also meet all student teaching requirements for certification. S/U graded.



(GPA-3.0) and (Passed Required Praxis or Completion of Application for Student Tching)


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course is repeatable with a maximum of 15 credit hours

Course Fee

Supervision Fee Required