
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

Earth Sciences M.A.


Program Overview

College of Natural and Health Sciences

New and current students cannot currently declare this program.

General Master's Degree Admission Requirements

View delivery options, start terms and admission requirements.

Location: Ross Hall 3235

Telephone: 970.351.2647

Fax: 970.351.4197

Website: www.unco.edu/nhs/earth-atmospheric-sciences/

This program is for students who wish to broaden or deepen their backgrounds in the earth science disciplines (astronomy, geology, meteorology and oceanography) and develop their research skills. It serves individuals who are or intend to become secondary school or community college earth science teachers. It is also appropriate for K-12 teachers, students pursuing careers in allied fields that require a multidisciplinary background in the earth sciences and for individuals wishing to explore the earth sciences as a second career.

The multidisciplinary structure of the school affords each student the opportunity to develop a sequence of courses that complements and builds upon their previous education and experience, whether in the earth sciences or in other disciplines. The program provides both a thesis and a non-thesis option. Typically, students seeking a focused program emphasizing research skills elect the thesis option, and students seeking a broad, multidisciplinary curriculum emphasizing content will elect the non-thesis option. In consultation with the student's graduate committee, each student will select the appropriate option and design a curriculum for their particular educational and career objectives.

Degree Requirements — 30 Credits

Thesis Option Required Concentration Credits — 12-16 hours

ESCI 599Seminar in Earth Sciences


ESCI 600Introduction to Earth Science Research


ESCI 695Special Topics in Earth Sciences


ESCI 699Thesis

1- 6

ESCI 599: Minimum of 2 credits

ESCI 699: Take 6-10 credits

Thesis Option Elective Credits — 14-18 hours

Select courses from the Elective Credits listed below.

Non-Thesis Option Required Concentration Credits — 8-12 hours

ESCI 599Seminar in Earth Sciences


ESCI 600Introduction to Earth Science Research


ESCI 695Special Topics in Earth Sciences


ESCI 697Graduate Research

1- 6

ESCI 697: Take 2-6 credits

Non-Thesis Option Elective Credits — 18-22 hours

Select courses from the Elective Credits listed below.

Thesis or Non-Thesis Elective Credits

Substitutions must be approved by the graduate committee.

AST 622Directed Studies

1- 4

ESCI 584Earth Sciences Field Experiences


ESCI 591Geoscience Field Issues

1- 6

ESCI 596Earth Science Study Abroad

1- 6

ESCI 605Global Change


GEOL 510Groundwater Geology


GEOL 515Ore Geology


GEOL 521Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology


GEOL 540Paleontology


GEOL 550Sedimentology and Stratigraphy


GEOL 560Geomorphology


GEOL 567Volcanic Geology


GEOL 581Geologic Field Techniques


GEOL 590Rocky Mountain Geology Seminar


GEOL 622Directed Studies

1- 4

MET 502Synoptic Meteorology


MET 551Climatology


MET 552Paleoclimatology


MET 595Special Topics in Meteorology

1- 4

MET 622Directed Studies

1- 3

OCN 622Directed Studies

1- 4

SCED 678Science Education Seminar

1- 2

Program Notes

ESCI 599, a one semester hour course, must be taken every semester the student is in residence at UNC.

Written and oral comprehensive examinations are required.

A 3.0 GPA in the courses taken as part of this major is required for graduation. A “C” or higher is required for all courses taken as part of the program.

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