**Review** Undergraduate Catalog 2025-2026

ENG 301 Writing as a Job

Course exposes students to generic knowledge, technologies, and skills needed for professional /technical writers. Units include grant/proposal writing, usability testing, user manuals, and resumes.


(ENG 123 or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of D-)

Course Attribute

Community Engaged Learning

ENG 302 Cultures, Community & Civic Advocacy

Emphasizes communication practices of advocacy groups and nonprofit organizations with an orientation toward culture and its influence on community-engaged writing; focus on relations among power, cultures, communities, and rhetorical action.



Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

ENG 303 Intermediate Creative Writing: Nonfiction

An intermediate creative nonfiction course. Emphasis on reading and writing personal essays that could be submitted for publication.


ENG 203 with a minimum grade of D-

ENG 310 Literature and the Nation

A study of literary texts (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, and A/V materials) from and/or about a particular nation or geographic/ethnic region with emphasis on innovations in literary form and the social, cultural, national, and political contexts that shape literary movements and production.



ENG 195 with a minimum grade of D-


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

ENG 319 Writing and Rhetorical Theory

This advanced writing course is designed to help students study and employ rhetorical concepts that will enable them to write persuasively in a variety of contexts.


(Completion of LC1b-Intermediate Composition course or Completion of LAW2-Intermediate Written Comm course) and (ENG 122 or SAT Verbal with a minimum score of 630 or ACT English with a minimum score of 30 or SAT Reading Test with a minimum score of 34)

ENG 323 Advanced Argument

Instruction in advanced analysis and production of upper-level college arguments, including extended application of rhetorical and discourse theory. This course emphasizes revision and reflective writing. 


(ENG 123 or ENG 225 with a minimum grade of D- or Completion of GT Intermediate Composition Course)

Course Attribute

LAW3-Advanced Written Comm and GT Advanced Composition

ENG 325 Studies in Fantasy and Science Fiction

Different approaches to the literature of wonder, including concentration on a particular writer, a theme such as women in science fiction, or a historical study of the genre.

ENG 327 Editing for Print Publication

Course introduces students to the combination of knowledge, practice, and skills needed to edit professional, peer, and their own writing for print publication.



(ENG 122 with a minimum grade of D- or ACT English with a minimum score of 30 or SAT Verbal with a minimum score of 630 or SAT Reading Test with a minimum score of 34)


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring - Check with department/school for next offering

ENG 328 Professional Writing and Document Design

This course introduces professional genres and technologies. Students compose a green paper, documentation, and a usability report. Technologies include Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. The class requires no previous technology experience.

ENG 330 Studies in a Genre or Author

This course explores a specific genre (e.g. the gothic novel, the epic poem, the closet drama) or author (e.g. Jane Austen, Claudia Rankine, Jeremy O. Harris). Content depends on instructor.



ENG 195 with a minimum grade of D-


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

ENG 342 Intermediate Creative Writing: Fiction

An intermediate workshop course focusing on short fiction. Emphasis on the analysis of the short story form and how it works.


ENG 242 with a minimum grade of D-

ENG 344 Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry

An intermediate workshop course focusing on poetry. Emphasis on the analysis of and experimentation with poetic form, and different voices.


ENG 244 with a minimum grade of D-

ENG 345 Literary Theory and Criticism

This course introduces students to major issues and movements in literary theory and criticism, such as structuralism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, Marxism, theories of gender and sexuality, and post-colonial theory.



ENG 295 with a minimum grade of D-


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

ENG 365 Identity, Language, and Power

This course examines the relationship between the production of language, the formation of diverse cultural identities, and the exercise of forms of power in the context of cultural forms broadly understood.



ENG 195 with a minimum grade of D-


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

ENG 375 Literature and the Environment

Explore human relationships with nature writing from various periods and cultures. Economic, scientific, philosophic and religious attitudes emerge from attitudes about nature. Do these influence human treatment of natural things?

Mutually Exclusive Course

Credit allowed for only one of these courses: ENG 375 and ENST 375

ENG 376 Multiethnic Literatures of the Americas

Multiethnic Literatures of the Americas is a variable titled course that focuses on literature written by and about a specific ethnic population in the Americas. Students will examine literature as cultural archive, socio-cultural critique, and cultural reflection.


ENG 195 with a minimum grade of D-

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

ENG 390 Adaptations and Transmediation

This course explores participatory culture, adaptation, and transmediation by focusing on one specific author's career as reader and writer.



ENG 195 with a minimum grade of D-


Generally offered Fall and/or Spring Annually

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

ENG 395 Studies in Literature, Theory and Writing

Focus on a critical, rhetorical, or literary problem or theme.


(ENG 122 or SAT Verbal with a minimum score of 630 or ACT English with a minimum score of 30 or SAT Reading Test with a minimum score of 34) and (Completion of LC1b-Intermediate Composition course or Completion of LAW2-Intermediate Written Comm course)

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles and course is repeatable with a maximum of 9 credit hours