Undergraduate 2019-2020

College of Natural and Health Sciences

School of Biological Sciences

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Department of Physics and Astronomy

SCI 107 Frontier of Science Institute-STEM Experience

Six-week summer course introducing motivated high school students to STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) concepts through integrated, engaging experiences. Coursework helps clarify interests and build critical STEM skills.

SCI 225 Writing on Scientific Practices

This course will prepare students to be able to communicate effectively in a variety of mediums (written, oral, and digital) as educators about scientific practices. Ideal for pre-service teachers.


ENG 122: with minimum grade of D-

Course Attribute

LC1b-Intermediate Composition

SCI 265 Physical Science Concepts

(3 lecture, 2 laboratory) Investigation of physical science concepts, emphasizing their application to the physical world.

Course Attribute

LC6-Physical & Life Sciences and LCLB-Science Lab Course and GT Physical & Life Science

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

SCI 266 Earth and Life Science

(3 lecture, 2 laboratory) A look at the fundamental concepts in Earth Systems and Life Sciences. Students will expand their knowledge and skills through hands on, minds-on experiences. Ideal for students seeking Elementary licensure.


SCI 265: with minimum grade of D-

Course Attribute

LC6-Physical & Life Sciences and LCLB-Science Lab Course

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

SCI 291 Scientific Writing

Techniques of problem identification, literature survey, data interpretation and synthesis and technical reports.


(S01-SAT Verbal: with minimum score of 630 or A01-ACT English: with minimum score of 30 or ENG 122)

Course Attribute

LC1b-Intermediate Composition and GT Intemediate Composition

SCI 365 Advanced Physical Science Concepts

(3 lecture, 2 laboratory) Application of advanced physical science concepts to everyday life. This course will delve into both state and national standards and train future teachers how to integrate science into other disciplines.


SCI 265: with minimum grade of D-

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

SCI 391 Computer Applications in Science

(1 lecture, 2 laboratory) Science teachers will learn how to apply the microcomputer as a tool in the classroom for interfacing with equipment, data management, software evaluation, record keeping and word processing.

SCI 465 Principles of Scientific and Engineering Practices

This course will prepare pre-service teachers to be able to communicate as educators about scientific and engineering practices.


SCI 265: with minimum grade of D-