Survey identifying characteristics, causes, diagnosis and treatment of speech, language, and hearing disorders. Includes disorders in hearing, stuttering, voice, articulation, child language, adult aphasia, head injury and dementia.
This hands-on exploratory course is designed to introduce students to the nature of sound energy as it relates to musical acoustics and its biophysical impacts on vocal and hearing health.
Majors only. International Phonetic Alphabet symbols used to represent them. Typical and atypical phonological processes and the transcription of speech sound errors.
Normal speech and language development and their relationship to other aspects of child development. Should be taken after the English composition LAC requirement is completed.
Structure and function of the speech and auditory/vestibular mechanisms.
(BIO 100: with minimum grade of D- or BIO 105: with minimum grade of D- or BIO 110: with minimum grade of D-) and BIO 245: with minimum grade of D-
The physics of sound as it relates to speech and hearing. Should be taken after the mathematics LAC requirement is completed.
Current information regarding identification, causation, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of articulation and voice disorders.
ASLS 260: with minimum grade of D-
Analysis of aspects of language as they relate to treatment of language disorders in children.
ASLS 266: with minimum grade of D-
Methods of eliciting language samples from children and manual and computerized language sampling analyses.
ASLS 266: with minimum grade of D-
Pathologies and disorders of the auditory vestibular system, pure-tone testing, methods of speech audiometry, interpretation of audiometric data in terms of physical, social and educational effects. An introduction to aural rehabilitation.
Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.)
Current information regarding identification, causation, diagnosis and treatment of organically-based communication disorders, including cleft palate, cerebral palsy and aphasia.
ASLS 267: with minimum grade of D-
Philosophy and implementation of diagnosis, and treatment of communication disorders. Administration, scoring and interpretation of data from observation and tests/inventories. Development of treatment programs, evidence-based practice, ethics, and client-clinician relationships.
ASLS 360: with minimum grade of D- and ASLS 365: with minimum grade of D-
Development of basic knowledge and competencies as a speech language pathology assistant through participation in classroom activities, observations and reflections, and collaborative teaching of children with communication disorders. Field experience under professional supervision.
ASLS 469: with minimum grade of D-
Perform basic audiometric testing: audiometric screening, routine hearing evaluation and impedance audiometry. S/U graded.
ASLS 370: with minimum grade of D-
A study of basic principles of aural rehabilitation and the use of amplification systems for hearing impaired individuals including personal hearing aids and other specialized assistive listening/alerting devices.
ASLS 370: with minimum grade of D-
Learn general principles of the clinical process. Provide supervised individual therapy to clients with communication disorders. S/U graded.
ASLS 469: with minimum grade of D-
Theory and practice of advanced techniques of audiometric assessment.
ASLS 267: with minimum grade of D- and ASLS 370: with minimum grade of D-