Undergraduate 2019-2020

CS 422 Directed Studies

A plan should be submitted and approved by all computer science faculty. Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.)

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course may be repeated 1 times

CS 440 Operating Systems

Study operating systems history, concepts/structure and design; process, processor, memory, file system and input/output management; and representative operating systems.


CS 301: with minimum grade of D-

CS 442 Networking

Study data communications; network structure, design and architectures; network services and standardization; and respective networks all in the framework of the OSI model.


CS 301: with minimum grade of C

CS 460 Problem Solving with Supercomputers

Basics of Linux administration and scripting in an HPC environment. Utilizing an HPC cluster to carry out a significant research project.


CS 120: with minimum grade of B

CS 480 Graphics

Study graphics theory and applications including the description and transformation of world, viewpoint, eye and screen coordinates, two and three dimensional graphics and hidden line algorithms.


CS 301: with minimum grade of D-

CS 497 Senior Project

A significant computer project will be developed and implemented under the guidance of a computer science professor. A project proposal should be submitted and approved by all computer science faculty.

Class Restriction

Include Senior

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 8 credit hours