Undergraduate 2019-2020

ESCI 472 Industrial Safety

Industrial safety covers the theory of historical occupational hazards, current safety issues, agencies that regulate workplace hazards, accident causation and prevention, and training needed for the workplace.


CHEM 111: with minimum grade of D- and CHEM 111L: with minimum grade of D-

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

ESCI 474 Principles of Hydrology

(3 lecture, 3 laboratory) Students will quantify and model the movement of water within the hydrologic cycle, focusing on the surface water component. The course will consist of lectures, laboratories, field projects, and presentations. Two field trips are required.


May concurrently take MATH 131: with minimum grade of D-

ESCI 491 Geoscience Field Issues

Analysis and investigation of contemporary issues and development of research skills in the field of earth sciences, atmospheric sciences, environmental sciences, or geosciences. The course may include extensive field work.

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

Course Fee

Supervision Fee Required

ESCI 492 Earth Science Internship

Internship in a public agency or private firm to provide professional experience under the supervision of an area specialist. S/U graded.

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 15 credit hours

ESCI 496 Earth Science Study Abroad

Exploration of contemporary issues associated with natural hazards, resources and environmental change impacting society, culture, and diverse ecosystems at international sites. Research skill development in geology, meteorology, and environmental sciences.

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours

ESCI 497 Undergraduate Research

Original research in the earth sciences conducted under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Results of the investigation are to be presented both in a written report and orally.

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with a maximum of 6 credit hours