Undergraduate 2019-2020

GEOG 412 Web Mapping

Study thematic map communication via the internet and wireless technologies. Develop interactive maps that can be served over the internet. Build mobile mapping applications.


(GEOG 210: with minimum grade of D- or GEOG 302: with minimum grade of D- or GEOG 307: with minimum grade of D-)

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

GEOG 422 Directed Studies

Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.)

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

GEOG 440 Biogeography

Identify meaningful patterns in the distributions of plants and animals and explain how/why those patterns developed. Includes an examination of the role humans have played in shaping those patterns.


(BIO 111: with minimum grade of D- or ENST 100: with minimum grade of D- or GEOG 220: with minimum grade of D- or GEOG 230: with minimum grade of D-)

Mutually Exclusive Course

Credit allowed for only one of these courses: GEOG 440 and ENST 440

GEOG 444 Global Climate Change

An examination of what causes climate to change across different time scales; how climate has changed in the past; how scientists use models, observations and theory to make predictions about future climate; and the consequences of climate change for our planet. One field trip required.

Mutually Exclusive Course

Credit allowed for only one of these courses: GEOG 444 and ENST 444

GEOG 445 Landscape Ecology

Examines the relationships between spatial patterns in landscape structure (physical, biological and cultural) and ecological processes.


(ENST 100: with minimum grade of D- or GEOG 200: with minimum grade of D- or GEOG 230: with minimum grade of D-)

GEOG 449 Remote Sensing of the Environment

Students will learn the conceptual foundations and technical skills to apply remote sensing in environmental and cultural applications. Topics will include land use/land cover classification, change detection, and vegetation modeling.

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

GEOG 485 Advanced Geographic Techniques: Topics

Advanced study of geographic techniques. Topics will relate to applications in GIS, remote sensing, quantitative analysis, land use analysis, or the mapping sciences.


GEOG 210: with minimum grade of D-

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles with no limits on the number of times it can be repeated

Course Fee

Course Fee Required

GEOG 492 Internship

Advanced undergraduate majors and minors use geographic training while working in local, state or federal agencies. Participants must meet university internship requirements. S/U Graded.

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

GEOG 495 Senior Seminar

Research selected geographic topics based on the student's major emphasis. Course focuses on the assessment of students' geographic knowledge base, research and analysis skills.


GEOG 375: with minimum grade of D- and (GEOG 302: with minimum grade of D- or GEOG 307: with minimum grade of D-)

Class Restriction

Include Senior

Course Fee

Course Fee Required