Undergraduate 2019-2020

MET 401 Dynamic Meteorology

The physical laws governing planetary and synoptic-scale atmospheric motions are developed mathematically based on conversion of mass, momentum, and energy.


(MATH 233: with minimum grade of D- or MET 215: with minimum grade of D- or MET 320: with minimum grade of D- or PHYS 241: with minimum grade of D-)

MET 402 Synoptic Meteorology

(3 lecture, 2 laboratory) Use of weather data, manual analyses, and meteorological software tools in weather forecasting and case studies. Practice includes review of theory, student weather briefing, daily forecast, and statistical forecast verification.


MET 320: with minimum grade of D- and MET 401: with minimum grade of D-

MET 420 Advanced Weather Prediction

(3 lecture, 2 lab) Describes the principles of numerical weather prediction, modern forecast models, and their uses. Emphasis is placed on weather analysis, the advantages and limitations of numerical models, and advanced forecasting applications.


CS 101: with minimum grade of D- and MET 402: with minimum grade of D-

Program Restrictions

Include EarthSci:Meteorology-BS

MET 422 Directed Studies

Individualized investigation under the direct supervision of a faculty member. (Minimum of 37.5 clock hours required per credit hour.)

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

Course is repeatable with no limitations

MET 451 Climatology

Factors affecting climate; analytical methods used to study climatology, general circulation of the atmosphere, oceans, and the global energy balance. Introduction to global climate models, projections of climate change.


MET 320: with minimum grade of D-

MET 452 Paleoclimatology

Survey of climate history and methods of interpreting geological, paleontological, and paleobotanical climate proxies. Introduction to modeling, utility of using models to reconstruct past climate, and current research in paleoclimate.


MET 205: with minimum grade of D-

Class Restriction

Include Junior and Senior

MET 460 Mesoscale Meteorology

(3 lecture, 2 laboratory) Study of atmospheric phenomena on medium time and space scales. Topics include frontogenesis, mountain/valley winds, sea breeze circulations, gravity currents and waves, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and problems in mesoscale forecasting.


MET 320: with minimum grade of D-

MET 462 Extreme Mountain Weather

Principles of extreme weather over complex terrain, Rocky Mountains, and Colorado Front Range. Fire weather, windstorms, air pollution, blizzards and snow avalanches, monsoon circulations, and forecast application.


MET 205: with minimum grade of D- and MATH 131: with minimum grade of D-

MET 465 Radar and Satellite Meteorology

Principles of remote sensing techniques, including radar and satellite instrumentation and operation. Types of radar and satellite instrumentation and interpretation of imagery used to understand the atmosphere and forecast weather.


MET 315: with minimum grade of D- and MET 320: with minimum grade of D-

Program Restrictions

Include EarthSci:Meteorology-BS

MET 495 Special Topics in Meteorology

Explore topics in meteorology beyond regular departmental offerings. Specific topics determined by student interest and instructor.

Course Attribute

Variable Title Course

Repeatable Status

ST - Repeatable under different subtitles with no limits on the number of times it can be repeated