This class introduces students to conversation strategies to enable oral communication about familiar topics, introduces listening strategies to understand information presented in dialogues and to follow basic instructions. Strategies to improve pronunciation are also introduced.
This course’s primary focus is the structure of a sentence. Students learn the parts of a sentence and practice writing at that level. Capitalization rules and the rules of end punctuation are also introduced and practiced.
The primary focus of this course is understanding basic English grammar beginning with the verb form of "be" in the present and past tenses. In addition, students will be introduced to the uses of the simple present tense as well as to personal pronouns, possessives and adjectives.
In this course, students are introduced to reading through the study of phonics. In addition, basic strategies for decoding words and recognizing parts of speech are introduced.
This course is a part of a skills based Intensive English program designed to help students prepare for academic success when they enter the university system. The primary focus of this course is to guide students through the complexities of applying both the rhetorical and the technical components of a variety of formats used in a variety of disciplines for both undergraduate and graduate students.